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Pim • Edited

Very good point regarding juniors. That is an incredibly important caveat in all of this and I couldn't agree more.

I have no doubt coming from the RoR world that you'd sink right into .NET Core.

I'm a huge database guy, always have been as it's how I got my start. I even thought I might become a DBA at one point. Over the past few years, I began to realize that the more you treat your database as a persistence layer and not an overly logical part of your app, the better off you'll be. Any system that I've ever worked on that bottled too much of it's business logic in the db tier has been a nightmare to maintain and test. Recently, I've had great success building several large projects implementing this style, using the UoW pattern and service-oriented architecture to address business logic. In this case, the database is nothing more than the schema and migrations. All of which can be kept under the same version control as the code. Me likey!