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Questions about creating a web query system

1- How did you get the relationship between Searching and rendering results working

My partner and I have not yet implemented a working querying system. Although the search bar and front-end looks are all there and functioning, we have not yet been able to finish the product on the backend side. This step will be done soon, within this week in fact.

2- Draw a diagram on for user interaction pattern. What happens from user input, through machine sending value, to re-rendering on the page

Image description

3- Think of a real world use-case from industry (Media streaming, youtube, corporate, cable company provider, web platform, etc) where micro-service architecture could fit into their business context. How could we use this approach to solve a real problem at a company currently using a monolithic design architecture?

A lot of major tech companies are simply monolithically built and incorporate microservices when necessary. An example listed above that would benefit from micro-services would be Netflix, since there are always lots of titles that change on there. Specifically, the loading of thumbnails and descriptions for shows can be outsourced to a microservice that delivers the content when it loads. Other suggestions could be Uber delegating the price determination of a ride to an algorithm microservice that determines the price based on their set metrics.

4- More questions you have / things your stuck on

How to do backend query with search-bar :c

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