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Discussion on: Trying out Arch linux and i3 window manager.

pratham82 profile image
Prathamesh Mali

I've switched to arch this year 😁. And the ditro that I'm using in the post is manjaro i3 community version it's barebones distro with just i3 wm no DE. So for anyone coming from ubuntu or popOs it's a big deal for me.

haxnet profile image
HaxNet • Edited

Yes but Manjaro does not equal Arch.

A close derivative Arch would be Archlabs. Try this one out. I use Archlabs now because it's the closest one to Vanilla Arch that I know of.

I went from Ubuntu to Arch. It really isn't hard to install. I don't use any DE. I only use i3. It's just awesome

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davedorm profile image
LinuxGeezer • Edited

I'm confused, is it i3 or Awesome? [/smartass]

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haxnet profile image

i3. I don't like Awesome.