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This dataset captures the sales performance of some retails outlets spread across North America, Asia and Europe. The dataset could be got from kaggle repository ( The focus of this review is to fulfill the condition of stage zero of HNG 11 Internship programme see link
This report presents an analysis of a retail sales dataset from automobile companies covering the year 2003 to 2005. The dataset contains 2,823 row entries and 25 columns.

Key Data Overview

Numerical Data: The columns below contain numerical data and they are 9 in number.
•Year ID
•Order Date
•Order Line Number
•Month ID

Categorical Data: There are 16 columns with categorical data some of them are shown below.
• Product
• Deal Size
• City
• State
• Contact Last Name
• Contact First Name

Missing Values
There are missing values in the following columns:
• Address Line 2
• State
• Postal Code
• Territory

Data Anomalies
The dataset contains some unusually high sales figures that do not align with the corresponding quantity ordered and price per item. These anomalies warrant further investigation to determine their accuracy.

Trends in Sales
The sales trend in the dataset is non-stable, exhibiting periodic increases and decreases. This variability indicates that sales are not consistent over time. There is a sharp fall in 2005 from 2004 and a significant rise in sales from 2003.

Sales Variability
Sales values also vary across different deal sizes, reflecting differences in purchasing behavior and sales strategy.

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The most notable finding is that the United States leads in the number of orders placed, followed by Spain and France. These three countries collectively account for over 50% of the total orders, highlighting their significant contribution to the company's overall sales.

In conclusion, this dataset provides a comprehensive view of the company's sales activities, highlighting key numerical and categorical data, missing values, anomalies, and sales trends. Further analysis and validation are needed to address the identified issues and derive actionable insights.The dominance of the US, Spain, and France in terms of order volume suggests these regions are crucial markets for the company. These insights can guide targeted marketing strategies and resource allocation to maximize sales and customer engagement in these key areas. Through HNG 11 premium network, see link, we hope gather more experience in conducting analyses such as this.

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