DEV Community

Discussion on: Celebrating Your LGBTQIA+ Pride Stories 💖

protium profile image

With all due respect, I don't see a base to call this post "political activism". As mentioned by Michael, it is about caring for each other, for the minorities and people whose voices are oppressed. This is a simple way to say "we see you and we care about you". Why would someone feel offended by such a caring act?

Personally I think you could give yourself some time to understand what's the real reason this offends you, as a member of a community and a society. But please don't call it "political activism" because that is just harmful.

urielbitton profile image
Uriel Bitton

he's not as concerned as why they are posting a political, he's referring more to the fact that it has nothing to do with programming. I think that's his main point. While i am all for supporting the lgbq+ community, i do see where he's coming from since it has nothing to do with programming. But on the other hand, its a platform where this aforementioned community is probably highly present on, so it is a very tricky situation. Both sides have value.

So yeah i understand both sides, therefore no good/respectful way to resolve this situation.

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darkwiiplayer profile image
𒎏Wii 🏳️‍⚧️

I kind of understand what they're saying, but honestly, Dev has never been exclusively about the technicalities of development. There's always been discussions about all the peripherals of software development, reaching all the way into mental health, workplace culture, etc. so it doesn't seem very off-topic for this platform to talk about yet another topic that affects the developer community more than the act of programming itself.

It'd be a different situation entirely on a platform like stackoverflow, but for Dev, it's a real stretch to see this as a problem.

darkwiiplayer profile image
𒎏Wii 🏳️‍⚧️

But please don't call it "political activism" because that is just harmful.

Why though? What would be the problem with a platform like Dev that's always been very loose with its topics (Talking about communities, culture, etc. relating development has always been a thing here) to also take a political stance on a topic that affects a big portion of the community?

This is activism. That's a good thing.

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protium profile image

From my perspective this post is not intended to promote a political view. It's a celebration. I feel nowadays many people will use the term "political activism" to hide their lack of empathy and possible hate.
I feel that calling it political activism is a way of not acknowledging its existence and role in society.

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nombrekeff profile image

I think it's a very sensitive topic, my philosophy is, respect everyone for what they are, regardless. No need to celebrate anything, do whatever you want and let everyone else do whatever they want. That being said, we should do whatever we can to remove the systemic and social issues that attack these minorities, not just in the case of LGBTQIA+ but every minority.

We should not need to celebrate being black, indian, chinese or whatever... but we should make sure their rights are not violated, and we should respect and aknowledge everyone regardless...

If celebrating it is the way to visibilize and help fix the issue for now, then I see no problem.

What I mean by "We should not need to celebrate" is that in an ideal society we should get to a point, where being gay, trans, black, or whatever, is normal, and the strange thing was judging people for being different. That's were I want the world to go. A place where it does not matter what, who, or how you are, you're treated as a human, with respect, and that labels are only used for communicating, not for anything else.

PD: I'm not part of the LGBTQIA+ community, or any other minority, so I can't talk from experience (I'm a white heterosexual male, living in europe...). I'm all about fixing this issues BTW and I love the work being done by the DEV team and everyone else involved in this movement, I'm not discrediting it what so ever. Just wanted to add my point of view.

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darkwiiplayer profile image
𒎏Wii 🏳️‍⚧️

Yea I guess the point of pride is to not need pride.