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Discussion on: Stop Using React

psiho profile image
Mirko Vukušić

I may agree on that. But then just please remove that clickbait title and write a proper one. You're talking about framework's ability to make it hard for beginners/average developers to make mistakes? Yes, that's a nice "feature", it's worth something, but its very low on the list of features that make a good framework. Or, guessing from comments below, you're talking about SPA technology in general? In that case, thats even less important. Or do you expect technology waits for an average developer to catch up? Never. Those able to increase profit with it will use it, others will just slowly drop out. If most cannot use it for profit, technology will drop out. Its as simple as that.
I'm progamming since before internet. Used web before Google and Facebook existd. Have done websites with pure html, then PHP, ASP, even Perl. Then apps (VSBasic, ASP, PHP, React, Angular,...) backends with many relational and nonrelational databases, had my own serves, used AWS, did microservices architecture and tradiotional ones... Blah, blah. I can tell you, I would NEVER EVER, both as an user or as a developer, go back to "traditional" webapps. Click, wait, click, wait, click, wait. Its a horror compared to SPAs (apps! Not webs). Thers really no point in listing all the reasons here. Most comments below that are supporting the headline just clearly display the lack of knowledge on the subject. Maybe author is just an average developer? Why not write a post "how can I stop being average developer" and work on it? Instead of bashing technology millions are happily using. Isn't it a bit egoistic too?

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ender_minyard profile image
ender minyard • Edited

Tell me how React improves the user experience for you.

(I would describe myself as an above-average developer, if that matters to you, at least in the realm of web performance.)

Also: clickbait is fun.

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psiho profile image
Mirko Vukušić

Have u used Gmail before it becomming SPA?

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ender_minyard profile image
ender minyard

Ah, I see. I do think Gmail is one of the few examples of a web app that should actually be a SPA.

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psiho profile image
Mirko Vukušić

Aaa, so title should be "let's bash React and SPA because it allows average developers not knowing it enough, to use them badly AND for projects that are not ment for it"?
Huh, I don't think we'll get far

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psiho profile image
Mirko Vukušić • Edited

But ok, let's play that game ;) A personal example. Jsperf is "traditional". I decided to make SPA version. While there's much more to it that UX, lets focus only on UX. Https://
Do you see any UX benefits? Should it be SPA (based on UX only)?
Note: its not mobile friendly yet. Its meant for desktop. Works, but mobile UX is not a priority at the moment

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