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how to setup an absolute path in a React TypeScript project

To set up absolute paths in a React project you can follow these steps:

Install the required dependencies:

npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript
npm i cargo
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Configure absolute paths:
make change on tsjsconfig.json and create carco.config.js file in the root directory of your React project with the following content:

configuring the baseUrl and paths in your tsconfig.json.

  • The base directory for resolving module paths is the src directory, as the "baseUrl" is set to "src".

  • Aliases for module paths are specified in the "paths" section. We've defined two aliases here:
    "@components/": This alias corresponds to the path./components/. For instance, the resolution of "@components/Button" would be "./components/Button".
    The alias "@utils/" corresponds to the./utils/ path.

  • For instance, the resolution of "@utils/helpers" would be "./utils/helpers".

  • Make sure to modify the paths and aliases in accordance with the organisation of your project.

//add paths line                          

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The tsConfigPath property is set to "./tsconfig.json", indicating the file path where the TypeScript configuration (tsconfig.json) is located.

This file contains the "baseUrl" and "paths" configurations for alias resolution.

const CracoAlias = require("craco-alias");

module.exports = {
    plugins: [
            plugin: CracoAlias,
            options: {
                source: "tsconfig",
                // baseUrl SHOULD be specified
                // plugin does not take it from tsconfig
                baseUrl: "./src",
                // tsConfigPath should point to the file where "baseUrl" and "paths" are specified
                tsConfigPath: "./tsconfig.json"

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