Stumbled across this website which measures the carbon footprint of your website.
I've always believed in lightweight, efficient websites to deliver content. I firmly believe in not using client-side JS unless absolutely necessary because not everyone has an Internet Telephone Professional Maximum on a 4g connection.
I ranted about this and riled up the community about this subject here
Here's how my website scores
What's your score?
Given the huge amount of evidence pointing to how website performance effects users and the environment, what are you going to do about it?
For more on this check out the slides of this excellent talk
Top comments (4)
Yep! Think I can trim some fat off mine. 😎
I keep my website extra green by ensuring the traffic to it is low:

95%, which is what I pay for loading up MathJax I guess...
My syster site still 0.86g... When I deploy the vue version, I think that will be better....