DEV Community

Discussion on: How Can I Help Foster A Culture of Continual Learning?

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Rachel Soderberg

My team does a weekly "tech meeting" and we're supposed to use that time (alternating people each week) to bring an issue to debug, a problem to bounce off multiple brains, or something cool we learned recently. Lately we haven't been having the meeting as there hasn't been much productive to share from any of us. I should start thinking about how I can use my week to practice lightning talks on something awesome I learned.

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This sounds amazing. You should totally see whether you can use the time to do something like a lightning talk. Even if the thing you talk about isn't necessarily related to the work you're doing, simply exposing yourself to it helps you to grow as a developer/engineer. At least, in my opinion.

rachelsoderberg profile image
Rachel Soderberg

I think you're right, especially since public speaking is one of those things I forced myself to be better at by simply "faking it" and putting myself in situations where I had to do it. I need to keep practicing to keep leveling up!