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Radha Giri
Radha Giri

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4 B2B Companies in Pune Excelling in Content and Social Media Marketing

Pune, a hub of B2B innovation, hosts companies leveraging robust content and social media strategies. Here are four standout examples leading the way in effective marketing.

1. Tech Mahindra
Known for its comprehensive content strategy, Tech Mahindra uses thought leadership articles, case studies, and webinars to engage its B2B audience. Their social media presence amplifies industry insights and customer success stories, reinforcing their expertise in IT services and solutions.

2. Persistent Systems
Persistent Systems focuses on informative content through blogs, white papers, and technical articles. They leverage social media platforms to share updates on digital transformation, AI, and cloud computing, positioning themselves as leaders in software development and technology solutions.

3. Zensar Technologies
Zensar Technologies excels in creating targeted content addressing industry challenges and solutions. Their content strategy includes insightful videos, infographics, and client testimonials, supported by a strong social media presence that promotes thought leadership and fosters client engagement.

4. KPIT Technologies
Specializing in automotive and mobility solutions, KPIT Technologies uses content marketing to showcase innovations and industry expertise. Their social media strategy focuses on highlighting sustainable technology solutions, industry partnerships, and participation in global events, reinforcing their position as pioneers in the field.

social media agency in pune

These B2B companies in Pune demonstrate the power of strategic content and social media marketing in driving engagement, enhancing brand visibility, and establishing thought leadership. By leveraging compelling content and effective social media strategies, they not only connect with their target audience but also drive business growth and innovation in their respective industries.

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