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Discussion on: Playwright for E2E testing?

rafi993 profile image
Rafi • Edited

Isn't Playwright much closer to Puppeteer than cypress?

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Yeah, I mention that in the post. On its own it does not do any test assertions, but you can integrate it with jest, mocha etc. To provide e2e testing.

rafi993 profile image

Awesome. I would love to hear more about this.

rafi993 profile image

Much suited for more general things like scraping and automating browser instead of testing.

arjunattam profile image
Arjun Attam

Arjun from the Playwright team here. Yes, Playwright - as it stands today - is an automation API and one can use it with testing frameworks to enable e2e testing. To improve this experience, we are investing in e2e test tooling around Playwright. For example, playwright-runner is an upcoming first-party test runner integration. Docs coming soon for early adopters!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Awesome! Thanks so much for chiming in Arjun.

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