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Raissa K.
Raissa K.

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A CSS chapter closes...

I walked into 100devs not knowing what to expect, my entire experience with making a website had been as a child playing around on Windows Notepad.

It started off slow with HTML tags and structure ("Oh! Those look familiar!") and quickly picked up pace.

Soon came CSS fundamentals, and that's where it started to get fun!

Separation of concerns. The Cascade. Classes & IDs. Specificity. Relationships. Colors and fonts. The Box Model.

Responsiveness, media queries. Floats.

Those were the tools we were given when assigned the creation of 7 website layouts from scratch (8, if you count the bonus pushwork).

There are many things that could have made it easier, such as flex and grids, but we were supposed to focus on getting the hang of floats. I'm also sure things such as CSS preprocessors or libraries would have made the sailing smoother, but that was not the point.

Click here to see the last one I made before submitting the homework..

It's not perfect, or the prettiest. It can certainly be improved - and it will, in time, as I build up knowledge and learn more skills/tools...

...But it's mine, and I'm proud.

I'm proud of my progress in this first chapter.

I'm proud of how hard I worked.

And I'm ready to move on to JavaScript, fully aware of the Through of Sorrow that is waiting for me.

So here's to the past 6 weeks at 100devs, and the 24 more to come!

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