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Discussion on: How to learn a framework the right way

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Raphael Jambalos

Hi Given! I agree with your article. When I was starting out as a developer, I had the "code-it-and-hack-it" approach. I learned Ruby on Rails without really learning Ruby. Search for Ruby syntax as I needed it. The result was a sloppy code made from copy-pasting off things from Stack Overflow. When I had enough knowledge on RoR and Ruby, I stopped my formal learning and did my job.

Only then a year or so later that I decided to come back to the Ruby on Rails documentation and read a Ruby book did I see how much I was missing!

On design patterns, I really didn't appreciate them when I was learning them piecemeal from sites like It was still too abstract for me even if they had an example.

What did it for me was reading the book Five Lines of Code ( By showing me bad code first and then informing me how design patterns (Strategy) improve that, I was able to understand the power of design patterns