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Discussion on: I've wrapped up a successful mentorship on - AMA

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Ryan Latta • Edited


Thanks for the questions! As I mentioned above, I won't disclose anything about my mentee. Some of my answers may be limited by that, but should we both write together these questions can definitely be fuel for that.

  1. My level as a developer: I've been writing code professionally for 10 years. I've worked on everything except a .NET stack. I pride myself in my lack of cleverness and I've been told I'm uniquely gifted at solving problems that make most engineers hide. Outside of that, I've been building software teams that entire time and have training in facilitation, life coaching, and I speak nationally at conferences around building teams.

  2. Without disclosing anything about my mentee things I've helped people with are of course picking up technologies (Not .NET) I have a pretty deep (Though it's fading) background in iOS. I've helped people navigate their careers from reading job postings to negotiating raises. I taught people different programming techniques, devops tools, how to communicate more effectively.

  3. Yes, I have been a mentor before. I consider it a specific function and set of skills in my career path.

Keep the questions coming!