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Discussion on: Recipes for scalable, cost effective web apps in Heroku with npm, NodeJS

rhymes profile image

Have you considered going serverless instead of using Heroku? I might be wrong here but it seems the perfect use case for independently scalable frontends and backends

spygi profile image
Spyros Gi

I am not sure I understand what you suggest: running a serverless function on every request from a user? Not sure how suitable it would be for a regular CRUD application, can you elaborate?

rhymes profile image

My bad, I haven't been correct enough in my initial statement. Theoretically Heroku is also serverless, as is Google App Engine for example. We tend to conflate serverless with functions but the term is broader.

While you could probably do it with GAE as well, I was indeed referring to serverless functions. If you can work within the constraints of the paradigm (stateleness, short requests, cold starts mitigated by pinging), why not?

You're trying to save money and functions tend to be free for the first millions of requests.

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spygi profile image
Spyros Gi • Edited

Thanks for the clarification. Yeah, Heroku is a Paas (Platform as a Service) like GAE. I chose it over GAE because it gives you more freedom on what you run on top of it so not so strong of a lock-in effect (at the cost of having more to setup of course)

Theoretically you could work with serverless functions and it might make sense from a cost perspective for the very first MVP (<100 users) but I don't think they are the right candidate for this kind of application and setting them up is not trivial either (e.g. you still need to persist their output or ping them periodically to avoid cold starts so you need a "backend" anyway). I am not so much into the details but there are also other limitations like 1000 concurrent executions (at least in AWS).