DEV Community

[Comment from a deleted post]
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Rico Brase

The main selling point of anything based on a blockchain is that you can decentralize it

But if its a marketplace... isn't that centralized and your right back to where you started with an online marketplace managed by a singular entity with most of the control and the actual benefactor of the marketplace itself?

Well, the marketplace itself may be centralized, but the data in the blockchain itself isn't.

The marketplace doesn't need to be decentralized, since the important data is - the marketplace is exchangeable. As soon as an NFT is bought, the transaction is saved in the blockchain, the blockchain users acting like witnesses to confirm the purchase.

Let's imagine, you are buying a ring from a local jewelry. While you are purchasing the ring, 100 people are there in the shop with you, witnessing the transaction between you and the jewelry. Now, even if the jewelry closes down, you still have witnesses to confirm that YOU are the legitimate owner of that one specific ring.