Nope, this is not click bate!. It's the syntax that resolves having to type all the 7 standard routes that a CRUD Rails app contains. Here is a quick glance at the routes:
get 'cars', to: 'cars#index'
get 'cars/new', to: 'cars#new'
post 'cars', to: 'cars#create'
get 'cars/:id', to: 'cars#show'
get 'cars/:id/edit', to: 'cars#edit'
patch 'cars/:id', to: 'cars#update'
delete 'cars/:id', to: 'cars#destroy'
Here is the keyword that contains the same standard routes:
resources :cars
The command creates each route with prefixes. Here is the equivalent of resources :cars:
get 'cars', to: 'cars#index'
post 'cars', to: 'cars#create'
get 'cars/new', to: 'cars#new', as: :new_car
get 'cars/:id/edit', to: 'cars#edit', as: :edit_car
get 'cars/:id', to: 'cars#show', as: :car
put 'cars/:id', to: 'cars#update'
patch 'cars/:id', to: 'cars#update'
delete 'cars/:id', to: 'cars#destroy'
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