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Ramkumar Jayakumar
Ramkumar Jayakumar

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General Docker Troubleshooting, Best Practices & Where to Go From Here

Tackling Common Issues: No Space and Sluggish Containers

Addressing common issues is crucial for maintaining a seamless Docker experience. Let's highlight the importance and break down each of the upcoming sections:

No Space Issue:

Image Cleanup:

  • To remove unused images:

     docker rmi <img1-id> <img2-id> <img3-id> ..
  • Execute system prune:

     docker system prune
  • This command intelligently removes unnecessary data, including stopped containers and obsolete layers.

Container Performance:

1.Monitoring Container Stats:

  • Use the docker stats command:

     docker stats <name/id>
  • Provides real-time snapshots of your container's performance.

2.Inspecting Container Details:

  • Explore detailed information in JSON format:

     docker inspect <container name/id>
    • For less detailed output:
      docker inspect <container name/id> | less

3.Viewing Running Processes:

   docker top <container name/id>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • Reveals running processes inside the container.

Docker Best Practices

Adhering to best practices is paramount for ensuring security and stability within your Docker environment:

  1. Image Security:

    • Use verified images for enhanced security.
    • Leverage Container Image Scanners like Clair, Trivy, and Dagda for unverified images.
  2. Avoid Using Latest:

    • Specify image versions to maintain stability.
  3. User Privileges:

    • Utilize non-root users within containers for increased security.

Where to Go Next

Docker Compose:

  1. Multi-Container Apps:

    • Docker excels for single-application deployment.
    • For apps with multiple components, use Docker Compose to define containers and their relationships in a single Compose Manifest.
  2. Getting Started:

    • Start containers with:
     docker-compose up


  1. Scaling for Production:

    • Docker eases single-system container deployment.
    • Kubernetes addresses challenges in managing hundreds of thousands of containers in production.
  2. Kubernetes Challenges:

    • Overcoming difficulties in linking docker networks across hosts.
    • Managing containers across multiple hosts.
    • Lack of built-in solutions for container migration between hosts.
    • Production concerns like load balancing and securing traffic are challenging with Docker client alone.
  3. Container Orchestrations:

    • Solutions like VMware’s vCenter and Rundeck utilize orchestrators for easy scaling, container movement, and traffic routing.

Planet-Scale Container Orchestrator - Kubernetes:

  • Kubernetes automates deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
  • It's designed for distributed systems, running components across multiple machines.
  • Enables auto-scaling and URL-based traffic routing, making it a platform of platforms.


Navigating Docker troubleshooting, adopting best practices, and exploring advanced orchestration tools are essential steps in mastering containerization. Whether you choose Docker Compose for multi-container simplicity or venture into the vast landscape of Kubernetes, each path unlocks new possibilities for deploying and managing your applications.

Containerization Evolution


  1. Docker Documentation. Docker system prune.
  2. Docker Documentation. Manage data in containers.
  3. Clair. Vulnerability Static Analysis for Containers.
  4. Trivy. A Simple and Comprehensive Vulnerability Scanner for Containers.
  5. Dagda. A tool to perform static analysis of known vulnerabilities, trojans, viruses, malware & other malicious threats in Docker images/containers.
  6. Docker Compose Documentation. Overview of Docker Compose.
  7. Kubernetes Documentation. Kubernetes Basics.
  8. VMware. vCenter Server.
  9. Rundeck Documentation. Introduction to Rundeck.

Top comments (1)

shanmuga_priyan profile image
Shanmuga priyan

@rkj180220 nice article.