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Rohith V
Rohith V

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Important Docker Commands To Know As A Beginner

Commands to remember :

  • docker run :- runs a command in a new container . docker run = docker create + docker start

  • docker run -p <localhostport>:<containerport> <imagename/id> :- running on ports

  • docker ps :- to list all the running containers

  • docker ps --all :- list all the container ever created

  • docker system prune :- to delete all the containers ever created along with some other properties

  • docker logs <container-id> :- to get the logs

  • docker start :- start stopped container

  • docker stop :- stop the container - gets a sigterm message - terminate signal

  • docker kill :- kills the container or stops the container instantly

  • docker exec -it <container id> <command> :- Execute an additional command in container. -it makes us to provide the input. -it equivalent to -i -t

  • docker exec -it <container id> sh :- provides access to the terminal inside the context of the container

  • docker build . :- build an image from a Docker file

  • docker-compose up :- aggregates the output of each container. Similar to docker run myimage

  • docker-compose up --build :- similar to docker build and docker run. Rebuilds the container after making any changes to the file

  • docker-compose up -d :- starts the containers in the background and leaves them running

  • docker-compose down :- stops the running containers at the same time

  • docker-compose ps :- show the status of the containers

  • docker commit :- manual image generation

  • docker build -f <filename> . :- to run a dockerfile with some different name

  • docker pull :- pulls an image from registry

  • docker push :- pushes an image to registry

  • docker search :- search for an image in Docker Hub

  • docker history :- shows the history of the image

  • docker info :- shows system wide information

  • docker rm :- remove one or more containers

  • docker rmi :-remove one or more images

  • docker pause :- pauses all processes within one or more containers

  • docker unpause :- unpause all processes within one or more containers

Docker Quick Commands

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My Workplay on Docker and Kubernetes. Ref :

Docker and Kubernetes

My Workplay on docker

Commands to remember :

  • docker run :- runs a command in a new container . docker run = docker create + docker start

  • docker run -p <localhostport>:<containerport> <imagename/id> :- running on ports

  • docker ps :- to list all the running containers

  • docker ps --all :- list all the container ever created

  • docker system prune :- to delete all the containers ever created along with some other properties

  • docker logs <container-id> :- to get the logs

  • docker start :- start stopped container

  • docker stop :- stop the container - gets a sigterm message - terminate signal

  • docker kill :- kills the container or stops the container instantly

  • docker exec -it <container id> <command> :- Execute an additional command in container. -it makes us to provide the input. -it equivalent to -i -t

  • docker exec -it <container id> sh :- provides access to the terminal…

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