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Romulo Gatto
Romulo Gatto

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Basic Input/Output in Python

Basic Input/Output in Python

Python is a popular and versatile programming language that allows for easy input/output operations. Whether you want to read user input, write data to a file, or display output on the console, Python provides powerful functions and methods to accomplish these tasks. In this guide, we will explore the basics of input/output in Python and learn how to handle different types of data.

User Input

Often, programs need user input to perform specific tasks or make decisions based on user choices. Fortunately, Python offers several methods to capture user input interactively.

Using the input() Function

The simplest way to obtain user input is by using the built-in input() function. It prompts the user with a message and waits for them to enter their response through keyboard inputs.

name = input("Please enter your name: ")
print(f"Hello {name}!")
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In this example, we prompt the user with "Please enter your name:" and store their response in the name variable. We then display a personalized greeting using f-strings.

Note that whatever users enter via input() is interpreted as a string datatype in Python. If you need numerical values from users, you can cast them later using appropriate conversion functions like int() or float().

Reading Input from Command Line Arguments

In addition to interactive prompting, Python provides another method for obtaining input called command line arguments. These are parameters passed directly through the command line when executing our script.

To access command line arguments in our code, we can use an array-like object called sys.argv, available within the standard library's module named "sys". Let's see an example:

import sys

file_path = sys.argv[1]
print(f"Reading contents of: {file_path}")

# Continue processing...
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Here we import "sys" module so that we can access the sys.argv list. We assume that the first command line argument is a file path and store it in the file_path variable. Later, we can perform operations on this file as needed.


Python provides various ways to display output to users. Let's explore some of these options.

Using the print() Function

The most common method for displaying output in Python is by using the built-in print() function. It takes one or more arguments and outputs them to the console.

x = 5
y = 10

print("The sum of", x, "and", y, "is:", x + y)
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In this example, we print out a sentence along with the variables values and their addition result.

By default, print() separates each argument with a space and ends with a newline character (\n). However, you can change these behaviors by utilizing its optional parameters such as sep and end.

Writing Data to Files

Another important aspect of output in Python is writing data to files. For this purpose, Python offers several modes that determine how data will be written within files:

  • 'w': This mode opens the file for writing (creates if not exist) and truncates any existing content.
  • 'a': This mode opens an existing file for appending, allowing us to add new data at its end.
  • 'x': This mode creates a new file for exclusive writing but raises an error if it already exists.

To write data into a file, follow these steps:

  1. Open/ Create the desired file using either built-in functions like open().
  2. Write your content using methods associated with opened files like .write(), .writelines(), or use print redirection.
  3. Close the opened file when finished writing using .close().
with open("output.txt", "w") as file:
    file.write("Hello, world!")
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In this example, we create a new file called "output.txt" in write mode and write a simple text line to it. The with statement ensures the file is correctly closed after writing.

Remember to choose an appropriate mode depending on your use case. Make sure you have the necessary permissions (read, write) for the specified path, or else you may encounter errors.


Understanding basic input/output operations is essential for any Python programmer. With the techniques outlined in this guide, you can interact with users through user input prompts or command line arguments and display output either using print statements or writing data into files. Mastering these fundamental concepts will allow you to build more interactive and dynamic Python applications!

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