DEV Community

Discussion on: What's your coding origin story?

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Ryan Peden

I started programming on a TRS-80 my family bought from Radio Shack. It didn't have a monitor; instead, you plugged it into a TV. The only way to save programs you had written was by saving them to an audio cassette. It was lots of fun!

After that< I stopped writing code for a long time. Eventually, I went to university and finished a business degree. When I graduated, I applied for jobs with the federal government. Their hiring process takes forever, so while I was waiting I did a few colleges courses in programming and CS.

While I was doing that, I was also working on side projects and going to lots of tech meetups. At one of those meetups, I met the CTO of a local startup. We talked for a bit, and I ended up applying for a job at the company. I met the CTO and CEO, and talked about the projects I had been working on. Based on that, they offered me a job, and I've now been working as a developer for nearly 10 years.

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Chris McKay

"I started programming on a TRS-80 my family bought from Radio Shack. It didn't have a monitor; instead, you plugged it into a TV. The only way to save programs you had written was by saving them to an audio cassette. It was lots of fun!"
Sounds exactly like it was on my TI. No disk drive, no color monitor (only a black and white TV). Best coding time of my life.