DEV Community

Discussion on: Welcome Thread - v87

rwparrish profile image

Hello fellow humans!

I'm a former elementary school teacher turned software engineer. I went from trying to understand little brains and managing behavior to trying to understand code and controlling output. I'll let you decide which you think is more challenging. Hint, computers do exactly what you tell them to do. Before teaching, my time as a stay-at-home father was filled with adventure and growth as I cared for two little girls, remodeled my entire house inside and out, moved the family to Germany and back, and rented out my home.

I enjoy solving complex problems and the feeling I get when I have the breakthroughs along the way. I just finished my time at a software engineering boot camp and I am beginning to look for work as a full-stack software engineer. I am excited to become a part of the community here. I've got my first post up! Please feel free to let me know what you think. I enjoy honest, forthright, and respectful exchange of ideas. I love to learn and look forward to what I can learn here. So far, I have experience with JavaScript, React, Redux, and Rails mostly. Cheers!