DEV Community

Discussion on: Which JavaScript framework should I choose?

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Suzanne Aitchison

I think like others have touched on there's no one framework that's "better" than another, so the choice should really come down to your goals and preferences 😄

If you're looking to learn a framework for the potential job opportunities, you might find React is the most widely in demand (although check job postings for your area - it could vary!).

If it's just to have some fun learning and gain experience generally, I'd say check out the docs for a few of them and choose the one that you think is going to support you best in your learning journey. Many of them share commonalities and they all help orient you to a "framework way" of thinking.

For me, if I was spinning up a little side project like a blogging site, I'd avoid a full-blown framework and go for something light and (relatively) simple like Eleventy.

For a professional project I'd want to consider the potential feature set, existing architecture, and team preferences before proposing anything. Quite often the best framework for the job is just the one that most devs on the team are comfortable working with already 🤷‍♀️