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S. M. Jubayer
S. M. Jubayer

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Make your quarantine productive! (for beginners)

Make your quarantine productive! (for beginners)
This post is for those who are passing their Quarantine days by getting bored again and again and can't find proper ways to utilize your time properly in these days.
Guys, this is 2020, now skills matter a lot. This is the Golden time of our life, we should utilize these days by developing our computer skills instead of wasting it. We don't need anything but a computer with an internet connection for learning anything, for doing anything related to the computer!
Yes, the situation is not suitable, getting worse, we all are tensed. But our tension can't make the situation better. We can't do anything but pray!
We are staying home 24/7, can't we get some hours to develop our skills? I'm giving you guys some paths so that you can choose any of them and follow to utilize the free time besides praying.

  1. Problem Solver 
  2. Software Developer 
  3. Web Developer 
  4. Mobile Application Developer
  5. For problem-solving, you can start with revising C++. Take 7 days, revise the C++ language and learn STL. Then go to Problem-solving websites like Codeforces, CodeChef, etc and start from the basic problems.  You have already done DS and Algorithms courses, you don't need to complete these two before starting problem-solving, learn a particular Algorithm when you need it to solve a problem. Besides you can join programming contests to test your progress. You can't be a Problem solver within a month, just don't lose hope and keep DOING!
  6. Software developer: Those who are beginner,  First, Learn Java with OOP, then Java Swing.  Tutorials of these are available by Anisur Rahman in Bangla or you can follow other tutorials or books. Then make a simple desktop software with the knowledge. This won't Not that much difficult after learning the topics. Take 7 days to complete the tutorials. Then make the simple software. Then you can start development with C#. Those who are not beginner, Start with C#, Dotnet. Learn different design patterns, ORMs. There are many things to learn with this technology and you can also build pretty much everything with it!
  7. Web Developer: Here I'm talking about how to become a skilled web developer, not a Wordpress drag N drop web developer with lots of dollars!  First, learn the basics of the web. Like: how the internet works, how a browser works, what is the server, what is API, SPA, MVC, MVP, etc.. Then start learning these:
  8. HTML 5
  9. CSS 3 -JavaScript basics
  10. jQuery 
  11. Bootstrap 4 After that, design a minimum of 20 webpages with these technologies. Then go for backend with PHP or whatever you like.
  12. Mobile Application Developer: For Android,  Java or Kotlin is the language to learn, you must have a good understanding of OOP knowledge also. For IOS, you can search on Google for the IOS learning path. For Cross-Platform Application Development (both Android and IOS), you can try trending technologies like Flutter or React Native. Before that, you need a very good understanding of Dart (for flutter) or JavaScript (for React Native) Programming language and basics of design patterns, CSS and HTML and web basics. Lastly, I'm not an expert in these fields. But, I love to explore technologies! If you need help, you can knock me! Some suggestions:
  13. Don't memorize things, this is for medical students not for us!
  14. You must have to practice by typing on your own while watching videos or reading, otherwise it won't work.
  15. Coping is okay, but coping without understanding is NOT! 
  16. Learn Git and Github to store your codes, projects and collaborate with others, like a pro! All the best, May Allah save us all. Stay Home, Stay Safe.

Top comments (1)

devanshh profile image
Devansh Agarwal

Very informative post!
Also, in the quarantine days you can consider taking online courses. Computer science classes by Ivy League Schools is a wonderful option.👇