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Saibal Sekhar Maity
Saibal Sekhar Maity

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Pizza Delivary Website Using React


A local pizza store wants you to build a dynamic single web page for listing his store’s pizzas using React Framework.

Build a single listing page displaying the pizzas available.
Use this API ( to get data.
Use dynamic loading and single page responsive design.
The page should have a header, footer, menu & main display area is generated with details such as
Image of the Pizza
Rating Stars
Type (Vegetarian/Non Vegetarian)
‘ - Add +’ button :- On click of Add button, A customise popup will be opened, and user can select Add-on(sizes) and toppings of that particular item. Add-on and topping can be single/multiple select based on API response (“isRadio” key).
Customers can add more than one quantity.
User should have an option to sort based on ‘Price’ and ‘Rating’.
User should be able to toggle between Veg and NonVeg.
There will be two screens, one for listing pizzas, another for cart items.
All selected items with selected add-on/toppings and quantity will be displayed on the Cart screen. User can edit the quantity from the cart screen.
Bonus: Use Redux for managing API calls and data storage requirements.

In case you are unable to successfully complete the Assignment, you will be evaluated based on:

Understanding and attempts of UI and UX; other architectural/design patterns.
Coding standard and naming conventions.
Github Link--

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