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sairajchintha profile image
Chintha Sairaj

Hai Dave! Hope you helps me....
I'm a CS student and Self Learner.....
What's your approach/way to learn a new programming language/technology?? What is the path/process you follow to learn new language??
and here comes final question
How to stay Focused and not being bored while learning a new programming language??

So,these are the questions which are unanswered and revolviinf=g in my mind since months!hope you hit them back with your answers and help me to succeed!!!

daveskull81 profile image
dAVE Inden

Hi Chintha!

Thanks for the question. The approach I take to learning anything new has changed recently. Lately I am trying to introduce myself to something new and then dive right into using it rather than using step by step tutorials. I don't want to be too dependent on needing the step by step instruction.
Typically I have been looking at the documentation for something and then getting into using it in some way to see how I can get it working. This feels a lot closer to something like in the real world where you might be asked to learn something quickly and to get right.
To stay focused I would suggest taking breaks from time to time. You don't always have to be working and learning. Getting into a routine will help you to learn the most if you ask me. This routine can include some break time to help keep you from getting mentally tired. Then you can continue the feeling of excitement to learn something new as you get back to it.
In the end, just find the process that works for you. Don't think that there is one way to learn and progress your skills and that you have to discover that. You'll waste too much time when you could use your time to do the things you want to do.

sairajchintha profile image
Chintha Sairaj

Thanks a Lot for the Reply!!!!

daveskull81 profile image
dAVE Inden

I'm happy to help! I wanted to add that I do still use tutorials, but I don't follow along with them exactly. Instead I go through them and then try to use docs and other support materials in my own projects. I go over these details in another post if you want to read more.