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Discussion on: Moving from Eclipse to VSCode by a Java Developer

samratdebroy profile image
samrat debroy

I have developed both in Eclipse and Intellij and I didn't find Intellij better than Eclipse in any significant way.
May I ask why do you find Intellij "best of breed tooling" and don't consider Eclipse a "good Java IDE"? I am not being sarcastic, I am genuinely curious.
PS: Just today I installed Eclipse 2020-9 and I am definitely finding it at par with Intellij which comes at a cost of $150-200.

mbhatb profile image
Manohar Bhat

Most of the feature wise eclipse is on par with intellij. But it doesn't have proper markdown, asciidoc plugin. The plugin marketplace is slow. Updating Eclipse is not that streamlined etc.

levirs565 profile image
Levi Rizki Saputra

InteliJ have Community Edition that is free too