For the day i researched a little about gatsby and react. Came across a number of posts here.
Such as,

Rewriting A Static Website Using Gatsby and GraphQL - Part 1
Laurie ・ Feb 21 '19 ・ 7 min read

Migrating My Blog From Wordpress To Gatsby - Part 1
Alan Hylands ・ May 18 '19 ・ 6 min read

I ported my blog to Gatsby 🎉
Corey Alexander ・ May 25 '19 ・ 4 min read
and so on.
After reading i decided to begin with official docs.
The prequsites are
- Node.js and NPM
- Git
- Gatsby CLI
- Text Editor
The Gatsby cli commands are pretty much self explanatory up to this point.
Eventually in order to run gatsby develop was pretty much enough .
Reminds me of different server running commands like ng serve and artisan serve
Code structure is not that different from other frameworks.
After some copy pasting,
- Learned about Gatsby starters, and how to use them to create new projects JSX syntax
- Learned about components
- Learned about Gatsby page components and sub-components
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