I just completed day 12 of 100 days of SwiftUi. Today, I learnt about the optional type in Swift.
The optional type is a Swift feature that is used to signify a type that may not have no value at all. Optional types in Swift are represented with a ?
. For example
var gender? = nil
The code above is an optional type that stores the gender of a user. Some users may not input their gender so we need to use an optional here to signify this value gender
may not have a value.
Getting a value from an Optional is rather simple using the if-let
or the gaurd-let
The if-let
is a conditional statement that is used to get the value from an optional.
For example, you can get the value from gender?
like this
if let selectedGender = gender{
print ("\(selectedGender)")
} else {
print (" No gender selected")
The if-let
runs the code in the else block if the optional has no value.
The gaurd-let
is very similar to the if-let
. The only difference is there is no else block. The guard let returns from the function if the optional has no value.
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