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CA Intermediate Registration 2025: May Exam Guide

The CA Intermediate Registration 2025, organized thrice annually by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), is a crucial step for aspiring chartered accountants in India. With the May 2025 session fast approaching, this guide provides a straightforward roadmap for registration.

In this overview, you'll find essential information on eligibility criteria, registration steps, associated fees, and key dates for the May 2025 CA Inter Registration. By following these guidelines, you can simplify the registration process and confidently prepare for the CA Inter Registration for May 2025 exam.

Register now for the May 2025 CA Inter Exam

Attention aspiring Chartered Accountants! The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has opened registration for the CA Intermediate Registration 2025 exam. You can register online through the ICAI website until September 1, 2024.

For those registering, the fees are Rs. 18,000 for both groups and Rs. 13,000 for one group. Remember, eligibility for the May exam requires registration at least eight months in advance. By registering early and following these guidelines, you’ll ensure a smooth start to your CA Intermediate journey. Additionally, regularly check the ICAI website for any updates or announcements to avoid last-minute surprises with the CA Inter Registration for May 2025.

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) conducts the CA Intermediate exam three times a year, with the May 2025 session being a key goal for many aspiring accountants. Exams are held in May/June, September, and January. While the deadline for CA Intermediate Registration 2025 has yet to be announced, it's important to register at least eight months in advance to be eligible. Registrations completed in 2024 are valid for five years, and candidates can qualify either through the Direct Entry Route (for graduates/postgraduates) or by passing the CA Foundation Exam.

Regularly check the ICAI website for updates and announcements. Once registration opens, sign up promptly to ensure a smooth start to your CA Inter Registration for May 2025 journey.
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Requirements for Taking the 2025 CA Intermediate Exam

Planning to take the May 2025 CA Intermediate exam? Here's essential eligibility information:

Academic Qualifications: Register by passing the CA Foundation exam, holding an equivalent recognized qualification, or graduating from a recognized university.

Age Limit: There's no upper age limit for registration, so age won't be an obstacle!

Early Bird Gets the Exam Seat: To qualify for the CA Intermediate Registration 2025 exam, complete your registration at least eight months in advance.

Deadlines Matter: Stay updated! Regularly check the official ICAI website for registration deadlines and announcements.

Accurate Documentation is Key: Submit all required documents correctly to avoid any processing delays.

Critical Dates for May 2025 CA Intermediate Registration

Seize the chance to register for the CA Intermediate exam in 2025! The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) imposes strict registration deadlines, emphasizing timely submission for eligibility.

A crucial date to keep in mind is the CA Inter Registration for May 2025.

Ensure you mark your calendars! The deadline is September 1, 2024. Missing this cutoff can result in a delay in your exam attempt. Therefore, it's imperative to register well in advance. For further details and updates regarding the May 2025 CA Inter Registration Date, visit the official ICAI website.

Navigating CA Intermediate Registration Routes

Two Paths to Your CA Intermediate Registration 2025 Dream: Direct Entry vs. Foundation

Eyeing the May 2025 CA Intermediate exam? Here’s a breakdown of the two primary registration routes:

Direct Entry: Tailored for Graduates

Graduates and postgraduates can dive straight into the CA Intermediate Registration program, bypassing the CA Foundation exam. Designed for individuals with robust academic backgrounds, this route entails specific eligibility criteria:

  • Commerce graduates/postgraduates: Require a minimum of 55% aggregate marks.
  • Non-commerce graduates/postgraduates: Must achieve a minimum of 60% aggregate marks.

Meeting these requirements showcases a firm groundwork for success at the CA Intermediate level and, ultimately, as a Chartered Accountant.

Foundation Route: Establishing a Solid Base

Furthermore, for those lacking a graduate degree, the Foundation Route provides a clear pathway. Passing the CA Intermediate Registration 2025 exam serves as the crucial initial step. Through rigorous preparation and triumph in this exam, you exhibit readiness for the CA Intermediate level. It's an opportunity to lay a robust foundation for your journey as a Chartered Accountant. Both Direct Entry and the Foundation Route lead to CA Inter Registration for May 2025. Carefully assess your qualifications to select the most suitable path forward for your career in Chartered Accountancy.

Choosing Your Path

Both the Direct Entry and the Foundation Route ultimately converge at CA Inter Registration for the May 2025 program. Deliberately weigh your qualifications and opt for the path that aligns best with your background and readiness. This decision will propel you closer to realizing your aspirations in the realm of Chartered Accountancy.

Planning Your Budget for May 2025 CA Intermediate Registration Fees

Taking the CA Intermediate Registration 2025 exam? Here's an overview of the registration fees to assist you in managing your finances:

Direct Entry Fee: If you're registering without a graduate degree, factor in an additional Rs. 200 (US$20) for the Cost of Prospectus.

Exam Group Fees:

For the May 2025 CA Intermediate exam, registration fees vary depending on the number of exam groups selected. Opting for both groups incurs a fee of Rs. 18,000 (US$1,000). Conversely, selecting either Group 1 or Group 2 alone requires a fee of Rs. 13,000 (US$600).

Additional Fees to Consider:

  • Students' Activities Fee: Amounting to Rs. 2,000, this fee is likely a one-time payment.
  • Registration Fee (Articled Assistants): This fee of Rs. 1,000 applies if enrolled as an articled assistant.

Stay Updated:

  • These fees are subject to change, so it's advisable to regularly check the official ICAI website for updates.
  • Registration fees may be required for each exam attempt.

Bear in mind: While this information provides a starting point, it's crucial to refer to the ICAI website for the most current details to avoid any unexpected surprises.

How to Register for the 2025 CA Intermediate Exam

To enroll for the CA Intermediate Registration 2025 Date Exam, meticulously follow these steps:

  1. Head to and access the "Students Services" tab.
  2. Opt for "entry-level forms" and accurately input all necessary details.
  3. Generate an OTP and retrieve your login credentials from the registered email and mobile number.
  4. Log in using the acquired credentials and proceed with the registration process.
  5. Upload the required documents and complete the payment process.
  6. Retain the registration receipt for your records regarding the May 2025 CA Inter Registration.

Essential Documentation for CA Intermediate Registration

Upon completing your online registration for the CA Inter Registration for 2025 Exam, the subsequent steps should be taken within seven days:

  1. Take a signed printout of your online registration form to your designated ICAI regional office.

  2. Furnish proof of education:

  3. If opting for the CA Foundation Route, present an attested Class 12 marksheet or equivalent exam pass certificate.

  4. For those pursuing the Direct Entry Route, provide an attested Graduation/Post Graduation marksheet or equivalent from ICSI/ICMAI.

  5. Affix a recent color photograph to your registration form printout.

  6. If applicable, present:

  7. Attested proof of nationality (for foreign applicants).

  8. Additionally, furnish an attested certificate for special categories (SC/ST, OBC, Differently Abled) for May 2025 CA Inter Registration.

Guidance for a Successful CA Intermediate Registration

To navigate the CA Intermediate Registration 2025 Date Exam effectively, meticulous planning and early action are essential. Initiate the process promptly to mitigate the risk of encountering last-minute hurdles or technical issues. Allocating ample time to collect all necessary documents and thoroughly understand the eligibility criteria ensures a seamless registration process. Additionally, verifying the accuracy and format of your documents before submission is crucial. Incomplete or incorrect entries may lead to registration rejection, underscoring the importance of attention to detail. Furthermore, staying abreast of updates and announcements on the ICAI website regarding the May 2025 CA Inter Registration Date Exam is vital. Setting reminders for key dates and deadlines ensures that you remain informed and on track throughout the registration period.

Throughout the CA Intermediate Registration 2025 Exam registration process, promptly seek guidance if uncertainties arise. Utilize resources such as the ICAI helpline and professionals with hands-on experience to gain valuable insights and ensure clarity while preventing errors. Addressing doubts early not only saves time but also enhances efficiency. Additionally, maintaining meticulous records of all documents is crucial for future reference, serving as a safeguard against discrepancies. By diligently following these steps, you'll navigate the registration journey smoothly for the May 2025 CA Inter Registration Date.

Therefore, remember to proactively utilize available resources and seek assistance as needed. This approach contributes to a smoother and more successful registration experience overall.

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