DEV Community

Discussion on: Why Event Sourcing is a microservice communication anti-pattern

savaki profile image
Matt Ho

I completely agree that having to fix already posted events is a pain. However, there are a few techniques that will typically offset this pain:

  1. Use a serialization format that supports schema migration. I most often use protobuf, but avro is another good choice. This would take care of your typo issue without having to modifying any of the existing events.

  2. Ensure that event includes just the facts and not derived information. For example, I might have a domain event Deposit which would includes the property, Amount. This is a nice fact that everyone can agree upon.

I could potentially include a Balance field in the Deposit event to indicate the balance after the deposit has been made, but because Balance is a derived value (the sum of all Deposits and Withdrawals), it's often subject to re-interpretation which might cause me to have to republish the event.

By sticking to facts, I find it greatly reduces my need to have to modify events. And most modifications for me are because my understanding of the domain has improved.

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flolu profile image

Matt, you mentioned that you use protobuf (or other serialization formats).
I have a small question about it:

Suppose you choose to publish domain events to the "whole system". Maybe for analytics or security features... I just want to clarify: would that mean, that both the event publisher and all the event consumers need to know the schema? (For encoding and decoding the buffer)

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savaki profile image
Matt Ho

That's right. It would require you to maintain a schema registry somewhere either in code or as a service, but that's really no different from any other api.