DEV Community

Discussion on: Command-line or GUI for dev tools? Some hate the command-line, really? Still?

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Scott Hannen • Edited

I started writing software long before GUIs.
That being said, I absolutely hate CLIs. When I'm writing code the compiler tells me if it's valid. The IDE prevents me from having to memorize every single detail of syntax. With CLIs, not only do you have to just remember stuff, but what you have to remember is much less clear.

I just don't want to memorize this, ever:

Get-WinEvent -ea SilentlyContinue `
 -FilterHashtable @{ProviderName= "iotedged";
   LogName = "application"; StartTime = [datetime]::Today} |
 select TimeCreated, Message |
 sort-object @{Expression="TimeCreated";Descending=$false} |
 format-table -autosize -wrap

What the heck is this thing inside of brackets inside of braces prefaced with an @ or double colons? I'm really happy for anyone if this makes them feel like a hacker.