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Discussion on: The App Stores...

scotttpirate profile image

Copyright and patent laws are the problems here, those would need to be fixed for anything to change, and that will never happen...

garretharp profile image

This has nothing to do with those laws here. Not sure where you thought of bringing those laws up for this argument here. The only law that has to do with the argument here is the antitrust law Wiki:

Which is a law that promotes there being a competition, such that Hey and Apple can both run their own email services. However, Apple being the big megacorp that it is with a monopoly in the iOS app market is trying to shutdown Hey on their stores because Apple cannot take 30% of the revenue from Hey. (Note this tweet:

Which according to the antitrust law what Apple is doing here is illegal technically, and therefore something needs to be done to stop Apple.

scotttpirate profile image

it's a monopoly that only exists because copyright and patent laws allow it to exist.

The antitrust laws are nice in theory but wouldn't even be necessary if the iOS app market and phones weren't already protected under a government monopoly.

I see the root of the issue as an intellectual property issue even though the symptom does seem to be an antitrust issue.