DEV Community

Discussion on: A Call For Testers: If You Hoard Tabs or Want To Manage Your Reading List Better, I Need your Help

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

I can relate to this.

I currently have 100+ browser tabs on my phone and who knows know many saved articles in Pocket.

I'll be downloading this and testing.

dangolant profile image
Daniel Golant

Glad to hear it resonates, Shannon! Thanks for helping out :).

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

I'm happy to help! I just downloaded the extension and have an initial comment.

On the dashboard, it would be helpful if it showed which email address I have associated with my account. I signed up without a problem, got the TabMailer Activation email (which came SUPER fast, btw. Kudos!) but without having that email handy, I wouldn't know which one was associated with my account. I would also assume, adding another email address in the "Enter new email" field overwrites the previous one (as opposed to emailing both). Is that correct?

It's not a major thing, but I could it see it being a pain point if a user put in their email address incorrectly on set up and wasn't aware that it was mistyped.

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dangolant profile image
Daniel Golant

That's a great idea, I hadn't thought of that, thanks! Should be a fairly simple addition.

Yes, it does overwrite the previously associated email, I'll be sure to add some copy for that when I add the above suggestion. The writing will most likely go through quite a bit of change over the next few weeks, much of it was written at 3 AM as I kept plugging along on the project 😅.

Good to hear about the email, I was having some issues early on with Mailgun emails being marked as spam by default.