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Small Clean Application

This project is a set of class to manage dependency injection of application's part of a clean architecture app,
independently of the framework used.

Git :
Packagist :


composer require small/clean-application
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Parameters are managed to automatically inject them in UseCase constructor.

You can set parameters through the facade static object :

\Small\CleanApplication\Facade::setParameter('test', [
    'host' => '',
    'port' => 80
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You can also get them through the facade :

echo \Small\CleanApplication\Facade::getParameter('');
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Output :
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UseCase class

Simple case

A use case is a class materialization of use case that implement Small\CleanApplication\Contract\UseCaseInterface.

For example, here is simply use case that return a string :


namespace Small\CleanApplication\Test\Feature\Fixture\UseCase;

use Small\CleanApplication\Test\Feature\Fixture\Interface\TestResponseInterface;

class TestUseCase implements \Small\CleanApplication\Contract\UseCaseInterface
    public function execute($request): TestResponseInterface

        return new TestResponse('a');


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You can use it using facade :

use Small\CleanApplication\Test\Feature\Fixture\UseCase\TestUseCase;
use \Small\CleanApplication\Test\Feature\Fixture\UseCase\TestRequest;

echo \Small\CleanApplication\Facade::execute(TestUseCase::class, new TestRequest());
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Output :

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Injecting another use case in your use case

You can inject another use case in the use case constructor :


namespace Small\CleanApplication\Test\Feature\Fixture\UseCase;

use Small\CleanApplication\Contract\UseCaseInterface;
use Small\CleanApplication\Test\Feature\Fixture\Interface\TestDependencyRequestInterface;
use Small\CleanApplication\Test\Feature\Fixture\Interface\TestDependencyResponseInterface;

class TestDependencyUseCase implements UseCaseInterface

    public function __construct(
        protected TestUseCase $testUseCase,
    ) {}

    public function execute($request): TestDependencyResponseInterface

        return new TestDependencyResponse(
            $request->getBefore() . $this->testUseCase->execute($request)->getStatus()


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The property testUseCase will automatically be created as TestUseCase object.

Injecting parameters in your use case

You can inject parameters in your use case by typing and naming property in your use case constructor :


namespace Small\CleanApplication\Test\Feature\Fixture\UseCase;

use Small\CleanApplication\Contract\UseCaseInterface;
use Small\CleanApplication\Test\Feature\Fixture\Interface\TestDependencyRequestInterface;
use Small\CleanApplication\Test\Feature\Fixture\Interface\TestDependencyResponseInterface;

class TestDependencyParamUseCase implements UseCaseInterface

    public function __construct(
        protected string $testUseCase_param,
        protected TestUseCase $testUseCase,
    ) {}

    public function execute($request): TestDependencyResponseInterface

        if (!$request instanceof TestDependencyRequestInterface) {
            throw new \Exception('Bad request');

        return new TestDependencyResponse(
            $this->testUseCase_param . $request->getBefore() . $this->testUseCase->execute($request)->getStatus()


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The underscrore ('_') separate array keys of parameters structure. Here is an example matching with the
$testUseCase_param :

\Small\CleanApplication\Facade::setParameter('testUseCase', ['param' => 'p']);
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Three interface structure your code :

  • Small\CleanApplication\Contract\UseCaseInterface : All your use cases must implement this interface
  • Small\CleanApplication\Contract\Request : All your use case requests must implement this interface
  • Small\CleanApplication\Contract\Response : All your use case response must implement this interface

Here's our TestDependency example request class :


namespace Small\CleanApplication\Test\Feature\Fixture\UseCase;

use Small\CleanApplication\Test\Feature\Fixture\Interface\TestDependencyRequestInterface;

readonly class TestDependencyRequest implements TestDependencyRequestInterface

    public function __construct(
        protected string $before,
    ) {}

    public function getBefore(): string

        return $this->before;


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And his interface :


namespace Small\CleanApplication\Test\Feature\Fixture\Interface;

use Small\CleanApplication\Contract\RequestInterface;

interface TestDependencyRequestInterface extends RequestInterface

    public function getBefore(): string;

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And here is the response implementation :


namespace Small\CleanApplication\Test\Feature\Fixture\UseCase;

use Small\CleanApplication\Test\Feature\Fixture\Interface\TestDependencyResponseInterface;

readonly class TestDependencyResponse implements TestDependencyResponseInterface

    public function __construct(
        protected string $status,
    ) {}

    public function getStatus(): string
        return $this->status;

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And his interface :


namespace Small\CleanApplication\Test\Feature\Fixture\Interface;

use Small\CleanApplication\Contract\ResponseInterface;

interface TestDependencyResponseInterface extends ResponseInterface

    public function getStatus(): string;

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