- Promise can be consumed from one of two ways:
(Introduced with promises) -
(Introduced in later years)
We basically learned that consuming promises has better code readability after the introduction of async/await
, whether it be an API call, database operation, reading a file from your filesystem or any async task.
Read more about it here:

Callback, Callback Hell, Promise Chaining and Async/Await in JavaScript
Shameel Uddin ・ Aug 24
Lets look at the example of consumption of promise with then
and await
const shameelPromise = new Promise((resolve) =>
setTimeout(() => resolve("Promise 1 resolved"), 1000)
Consuming promise with then:
shameelPromise.then((result) => {
console.log("Using .then():", result);
}).catch((error) => {
console.error("Using .then(): Promise rejected with error:", error);
Consuming promise with async/await:
async function consumePromise() {
try {
const result = await shameelPromise;
console.log("Using async/await:", result);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Using async/await: Promise rejected with error:", error);
Choosing Between .then() and await
Choosing .then()
- Use
when you want to execute actions asynchronously without blocking the rest of the code. This is suitable when you want to handle a Promise's resolution or rejection while allowing other parts of your program to continue running. - This does not pause the execution of the code.
Here's an example to illustrate this:
console.log("-- Shameel 1 --");
const request1 = fetch("https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users/1").then(
(response) => response.json()
const request2 = fetch("https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users/2").then(
(response) => response.json()
Promise.all([request1, request2])
.then(([data1, data2]) => {
// Both responses are available here
console.log("Data from request 1:", data1?.id);
console.log("Data from request 2:", data2?.id);
.catch((error) => {
console.error("Error:", error);
console.log("-- Shameel 2 --");
// Code here continues executing without waiting for the responses
In this code, we are sending concurrent API requests, not serial ones. You can read about serial vs. parallel API calling here
After running above code, you will see a response like this:
-- Shameel 1 --
-- Shameel 2 --
Data from request 1: 1
Data from request 2: 2
You can see that -- Shameel 1 --
and -- Shameel 2--
appeared immediately because the code was not paused.
PS. if you want to know about Promise.all()
, please have a look at this:

JavaScript Promise: .all() vs .allSettled() and .race() vs .any()
Shameel Uddin ・ Aug 26
Choosing await
- Use await within an async function when you need to wait for a Promise to be resolved before proceeding with the rest of the code. This is helpful when you want to ensure that certain operations are completed before moving on.
- This pauses the execution of the code.
async function fetchData() {
try {
const [response1, response2] = await Promise.all([
const data1 = await response1.json();
const data2 = await response2.json();
// Both responses are available here
console.log('Data from request 1:', data1);
console.log('Data from request 2:', data2);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error:', error);
// Code here continues executing after fetchData() is called
You will see a response like this:
-- Shameel 1 --
Data from request 1: 1
Data from request 2: 2
-- Shameel 2 --
You can see that -- Shameel 2--
appeared after the requests were fetched successfully. This is because the code execution was paused.
In JavaScript, Promises offer a way to manage asynchronous operations in a more organized and understandable manner. The combination of .then() and await provides developers with powerful tools for handling asynchronous tasks. By understanding when to use each approach, you can write cleaner and more efficient code while maintaining better control over the flow of your program. So whether you're handling network requests, file I/O, or any other asynchronous task, having a solid grasp of these concepts will undoubtedly elevate your JavaScript programming skills.
I hope you learned something from this :-)
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