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What to do after BCA/BSC-CS

Most of the youngsters who are admitted to BCA and BSC CS or any other BSC course do so because they find that Computer Science is the new trend today but the student doesn't want to do B-tech because of many problems they want to start earning fast to support family, didn't get good rank in Jee entrance or any other engineering exam and the fee of engineering is high so they choose to do BCA/BSc, taken commerce/arts in 12th and now want to switch to the computer science and many more.

Now coming to the main topic of what to do after BCA they are a lot more paths today I will divide those sections and tell the pros and cons accordingly.

Opportunities available

  1. Doing a job.
  2. Doing Master's.
  3. Doing a pay-after-placement course.
  4. Wilp program.
  5. Doing Government job preparation.
  6. Doing Freelancing

Now I have told you what is the option available now I will explain so read till the end.

1.Doing a job.

So after doing BCA/BSc most students choose to do master's to upskill themselves and compete parallel to the B-tech graduate. yes after doing BCA/BSc we feel a lot of resume rejection just because most companies prefer a resume with b-tech instead of BCA/BSc this is the hard reality today but few companies prefer skill over degree like new-age startups now they also paying well these days.

Now coming to the job which type of job you will get if you are talking about based on a college degree as a graduate then companies like Accenture, Infosys, TCS, and Wipro hire graduate students based on an aptitude exam and interview conducted by them and they pay within a range of 1.75LPA to 4.5LPA.

But if you have some experience in Digital Marketing, Graphics Designing, and developing a real-world project within a company then maybe some companies might hire you and pay you well and that also have the same paying range but a better learning curve and better future opportunity. But here you need to work hard and you will get better recognition and faster up-gradation in the job role.

2.Doing Master's

So Doing a Master's is Always a good decision if you have self-discipline because you have already put a 3yr and now you are putting another 2 or 3 yrs to do a master's you should have a clear idea that this is what you want to do otherwise you will regret so better have clarity now. Master's could also have multiple options like MCA/MBA/BDA/MS in abroad many things for that I can write another blog.

Now When we are Doing masters we do master's or don't do masters for multiple purposes we do master's because we have wasted or you were not much aware of what we want to do because everybody has this phase or you want to switch the field or you don't have better networks that's also a reason behind that so, in that case, we should do master's but we should do master's from a recognized institute otherwise same scenario you will face just like you bachelor's you can appear for NIMCET or CAT and any other exams to get better college because at last whichever college you go you have to study yourself the big difference is that they give a competitive environment and better peers who help you grow and because you are now not the smartest guy of your classroom any more.

But if you have a weak financial situation and you want to support your family or you are a person who learns things by doing then you should choose a job or other options are listed down.

3.Doing a pay-after-placement course

So first we will understand what is this pay after placement thing is just meant you will have to pay some amount to the company after your placement and before that, they will train for everything like teaching how to code and stuff and mock interviews and resume creation and many more things.

Multiple companies are nowadays providing such services eg. Masai school, Acciojob, and Coding Ninja. But they charge a lot of money since they are taking high risks but it's all worth it because it's cutting a lot of stress from your head to the company.

4.WILP Programs

These are Work Integrated programs offered by companies like Wipro, Jio, and Oracle they do offer an M-tech and masters course while working in their organization you have to study on weekends to complete this course and they will sponsor your fee for this course till completion, of course, you can't leave the company and maybe you have to work for certain bond after completion of the course.

5.Doing Government job preparation

This is India's most famous and parents most obsessed job available is a government job and here we have benefits and disadvantages it's also a good decision to do but you will need more dedication and hard competition but you will have power and reputation with government job over any other corporate job and more comfort also but a quite slow learning curve.

6.Doing Freelancing
you can also do freelancing in web development, graphics designing, teaching and many more things this area have quite less success rate but it provides freedom and a better learning curve and less mental stress also.

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