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Shashank Tiwari
Shashank Tiwari

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How to Publish Your Android Mobile App on Google Play Store

Mobile apps are a huge market, and now is the best time to tap into their huge potential. On average, there are more than 80 apps installed on a person’s phone and yours can be one of them. If you have developed an app and are looking to publish it on Google Play Store then this blog is for you!

Publishing your app on the Google Play Store may seem like a difficult task with infinite steps and procedures. But we are here to tell you that it is not half as tough as it looks, considering you know what you are supposed to do. We have provided a step-by-step guide to help you publish a mobile on Google Play Store without any hassles. So, scroll down to learn how you can publish your app and take over people’s devices.

Steps to Publish Your App on Google Play Store

Publishing an Android app on the Google Play Store is a fairly simple process once you understand it. We have described it in detail below to help you complete the publishing process seamlessly.

Create a Profile on the Google Developer Console

The first thing you need to publish an app on the Play Store is a Google Developer Console. This console acts like a backend control center through which developers can submit and publish their apps. Developers will have to pay a one-time 25 USD fee after which they can publish their apps for free. The console comes with a myriad of features that help developers control what happens with their apps.

Create a Merchant Account and Link with the Developer Account

If your app supports in-app purchases, then you should also create a merchant account. You can create a Merchant account through the Google Developer Console in the ‘Financial Reports’ section. Having this account will help you track sales and payouts. You can also analyze sales reports to gain a better understanding of how much the app is earning.

Read the Policies and Complete the Necessary Paperwork

While it is exciting to publish an app, before that, you need to read all the policies carefully and complete the required paperwork. This is boring but important work to ensure your app does not run into any future problems. Reading policies ensure you do not violate any rules.

You will also need to create privacy policies along with a user license, also known as the End User License Agreement (EULA). This will include the following:

  • Intellectual Property information,
  • What users can and can not do with the app,
  • Licensing fees, and more.

Complete the Technical Requirements

Now that most of the paperwork is done, there is one more thing to do and that is to complete the technical requirements. These include checking the following things and ensuring they are in complete order.

  • Unique Bundle ID
  • Signed App Release
  • Signing Certificate
  • The App Size
  • The File Format

Start Creating Your Application on Google Console

After all the technicalities and documentation are done, you can go to your Developer console and create your app. Follow the instructions listed below.

  • Go to the ‘All Applications’ tab in the menu.
  • Click on the ‘Create Application’ button.
  • Choose your app’s default language.
  • Now, add the name of your app and a brief description.
  • Finally, click on ‘Create.’

Upload APK or App Bundles

List Your Product on the Store

Now it is time to upload your app for which you will need APK or App Bundle files. This is, of course, the most exciting part for which you will need to go to the ‘Release Management’ and then the ‘App Release’ tab in the menu.

Here you can choose the type of release you want for your app. These are the four options available - an internal test, a close test, a production release, and an open test. Choose what you prefer and then select ‘Create Release.’ After that, select whether you want your app to require Google App Store signing-in or not. Once you are done with all this, you are ready to upload your files. Name your files describe them and submit them after reviewing!

Content Rating

The process is not complete yet, you also need to rate the content of your app. Leaving your app ‘unrated’ can result in its removal so be sure to complete this step. For this, you need to complete a rating questionnaire. Submit your questionnaire, get your rating, and then click on ‘Apply.’

Pricing and Distribution

Pricing and distribution are also crucial steps of your app publication journey on the Google Play Store. You need to decide whether your app will be paid or free along with in how many countries you want it to be available. You also need to choose the devices your apps will be compatible with along with if it has any content unsuitable for children below the age of 13. You also need to mention if your apps will have ads or not.

While you can change these things later, it is important to note that you cannot change your free app to a paid one. You can only change a paid app to a free one but only one time. So, choose carefully.


Now, that all is done, your app will be published on Google Play Store without a hitch! Developing an app is an exciting journey and publishing it is no less. Make sure you are following all the steps and instructions to make your app available to the public without any issues.

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