DEV Community

Discussion on: Host your Git on Glitch with Gogs

shrysr profile image
Shreyas Ragavan

This sounds very interesting. Can glitch run docker containers? I have a few that essentially enable a shiny server hosting multiple ‘Shiny’ apps. Shiny is R’s package for building interactive web apps.

melissamcewen profile image
Melissa McEwen

Thanks! I haven't been able to get docker containers to run within Glitch because it typically requires "sudo" level permissions but I have converted docker machines into Glitch projects. I should write a post on that. Shiny looks really cool! I'm gonna check it out.

shrysr profile image
Shreyas Ragavan

Converting to a glitch app would be interesting. Regarding shiny : The Dockerfiles I have been building are at

You could also directly use the v2 tag for the dockerhub image shrysr/shiny

photonniko profile image
Calico Niko

Hi. I'm looking to use a docker image on Glitch. Could you elaborate on this subject? I have a thing i want to do on glitch, but i want to use an api that only works as a docker image (this). I thank in advance!