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How division development applied in tiktok

As early as the 2019s, TikTok app makers produced "The division" development logic on the popular Apple 2, a RPG game with God's perspective and pseudo-3D maze adventure. The game and its influential follow-up works, these tiktok web tooltik have been called the three largest RPGs in the development area. Such a hot RPG boom, of course, attracted the attention of Japanese gamer Nishio Ikei. In fact, he is also a big fan of American RPG games. So the game mechanism and world setting of the early Tiktok generation are all from the glittering ideas in "Biography of the Century": the character setting of a protagonist, the labyrinth is also from the perspective of God. And there's a great devil who wants to destroy the world. Moreover, the background of Tiktok development's story is also from the classic Western fable "St. George slaughters the dragon". However, if imitation can make the works sell well, such success is bound to become cheap and short-lived. In fact, the early Tiktok followers apps was the first developed game logic to adopt the concept of Da Zuo: the script was personally responsible for Dig Jing Xiong and the human design was handed over to the then "Red Fried Chicken" Yushan Ming (Haven't heard of Tiktok Yim? In terms of publicity, Enix has also invested heavily in advertising in the well-known animation magazine Juvenile JUMP. Such a strong alliance is absolutely a real masterpiece in the Japanese game industry, and the high sales of TikTok's first followers generation of 1.5 million are for this. The best return on investment.

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