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Simple guide to create React CRA component, test locally and publish to npm

In this post we will come to understand how to make a simple REACT SPA(single page application) and publish in NPM.

Project Setup

Step 1: Create a new React app with CRA

npx create-react-app app-name
cd my-app
npm start

Step 2: Create component

Lets create a button component as ButtonComponent.js inside src/components/ folder.

Step 3: Create babel.config.js

Create babel.config.js in the root.

module.exports = {
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Step 4: Update package.json

Now, to publish the button component add the following line to scripts:

"publish:npm": "rm -rf dist && mkdir dist &&  babel                      src/components -d dist --copy-files"
This script recreates builds React application, recreates the /dist folder , and stores files in /dist directory. Lastly change private from true to false and main to dist/ButtonComponent.js.

"private": false,
"main": "dist/ButtonComponent.js",
"scripts": {
            "start": "react-scripts start",
            "build": "react-scripts build",
            "test": "react-scripts test",
            "eject": "react-scripts eject",
            "publish:npm": "rm -rf dist && mkdir dist &&  babel src/components -d dist --copy-files",
            "publish:window": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production && npx rimraf dist && mkdir dist &&  babel src/components -d dist --copy-files"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Sample of package.json and file directories are as follows :
Alt Text

Build, Test locally, and Publish

login to npm npm login

Step 6: Build the project

Transpile code from Es6 to Es5.

npm run publish:npm

For windows

npm run publish:window

Step 7: Test locally

Run npm link inside the project to create a global module of ButtonComponent.

npm link

Now, to use the module run npm link inside other project from which to test.

npm link app-name

Step 8: Publish

npm publish

Congratulations you just created your first npm package!!!

Another simple way could be to publish your package in github registry.

Top comments (2)

sergeyzwezdin profile image
Sergey Zwezdin

Couple of comments:
1) Why do you need heavy CRA to publish just a component?
2) “publish:npm” script is not cross-platform, so you are able to run it on Mac, but on Windows it won’t work. It’s not so good for cross-platform teams. So it would be better to use “cross-env” for instance.

sifatul profile image

Thank you for leaving you feedback.
Answer 1) The intention of this article was to introduce simplest way to publish in npm. Thus I thought about showing how to publish a component from CRA as most of the beginners knows their way around CRA. I will try to write a new post next week on how to do it other way without creating a SPA.

Answer 2) I agree. I will update the post ASAP.

Thank you again.