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How to contribute to Open Source without coding. Hacktoberfest Edition!

J Edison Abahurire on October 10, 2019

While when one thinks about contributing to open source, the first thoughts are usually about writing code. Nonetheless, there are more fun ways ...
idanarye profile image
Idan Arye

Have you thought about a cool solution that you think can be implemented with technology? Is it something that could interest other developers? Well, you may not know how to code but you may contribute by making that first step to establish that cool idea as an open source project.

Does this ever work? I mean, "Hey, I have this cool idea, how about you built it for me?" is already a cliche for self entitles consumers, not just among programmers but among artists, writers, even businesspeople.

simicode profile image
J Edison Abahurire

Thanks, I see your view. I think we should narrow this doen to non-code projects like the awesome lists I gave as an example.

muhammadawaisshaikh profile image
Muhammad Awais

Looking for #hacktoberfest contributions and you are an @angular developer looking for a @github repo?

Here you go:

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Sayantan Das