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Discussion on: Working in Japan: Myths, Realities, Salary, Culture (By A Software Engineer)

sk2022 profile image
Mika Chiusiwa

Absolutely fantastic post. I learnt alot!

I'm trying to do switch into the tech industry from teaching as well. From the looks of it, you were an ALT.

What were you experiences with changing your VISA from instructor to an engineering one even though you had an unrelated degree?

rob117 profile image
Rob Sherling

I was an ALT for an eikaiwa for a year, then with a school for a year and a half.

I'm glad it was useful to you! I just updated this a few hours ago with an article on language learning (linked at the top of this article). I wonder if that's why it showed up in your feed?

Changing my visa was really easy. I had read that you need to have the relevant degree, but it was as simple as going down to the immigration office with the company sponsor paperwork and just handing in forms. Then everything went smoothly with no problems!

I'm releasing a part 2 for this article in a day or two, by the way, so stay tuned!

sk2022 profile image
Mika Chiusiwa

Oh that's fantastic! I guess whats important is getting that first company to sponsor you!

I can't wait to read part 2! Will be waiting.

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