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Anderson Gama
Anderson Gama

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#Pulumi with #GitHub Actions to provision a cluster on #AWS with #EKS

This is a model for creating in Python an EKS environment with the AWS provider on Pulumi using GitHub Actions.

Install AWS (Optional)

cd /tmp
ssh-keygen -f pulumi_eks_py_access
curl "<>" -o ""
unzip && sudo ./aws/install
aws configure
aws ec2 import-key-pair --public-key-material "$(cat | base64)" --key-name pulumi_eks_py_access --region us-west-2 --profile yourprofile
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Download the PULUMI template

mkdir -p $HOME/Pulumi
cd $HOME/Pulumi
git clone
cd pulumi-iac-eks
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Install Pulumi on Linux by running the installation script:

curl -fsSL | sh && bash
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Install Python VirtualEnv:

sudo apt -y install python3-virtualenv
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Create a "pulumi_eks_py" project:

cd $HOME/Pulumi/pulumi-iac-eks/pulumi_eks_py
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Note: If you want to change the name given to Kubernetes cluster, execute the command below in the template folder.

sed -i "s/"template-"/"desiredname-"/g" *.py
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Install Python Requirements

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
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Perform an initial deployment, run the following commands:

pulumi login
pulumi stack init pulumi_eks_py
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pulumi config set aws:profile yourprofile
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pulumi config set aws:region us-west-2
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Review the "pulumi_eks_py" project

pulumi preview
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Enable Workflow

cd $HOME/Pulumi/pulumi-iac-eks/.github/workflows
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mv pull_request.yml.template pull_request.yml
mv push.yml.template push.yml
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Environment Variables

There are a number of Environment Variables that can be set to interact with the action:

  • By default, Pulumi will try to connect to the Pulumi SaaS. For this to happen, the GitHub Action needs to be passed a "PULUMI_ACCESS_TOKEN".

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

For AWS, you'll need to create or use an existing IAM user for your action. Please see the Pulumi documentation page for pointers to the relevant AWS documentation for doing this.

As soon as you have an AWS user in hand, you'll set the environment variables "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" and "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" using GitHub Secrets, and then consume them in your action.

Note: Go to Settings> Secrets and add "PULUMI_ACCESS_TOKEN", "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" and "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" as new repository secret.

Commit the changes

cd $HOME/Pulumi/pulumi-iac-eks/
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git add *
git add .github/workflows/*
git add .pulumi/*
git add pulumi_eks_py/*
git commit -m "pulumi-iac-eks"
git push
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Access EKS Kubernetes cluster

sudo snap install kubectl --classic
aws eks list-clusters --region us-west-2 --profile yourprofile
aws eks --region us-west-2 --profile yourprofile update-kubeconfig --name $(pulumi stack output cluster-name)
kubectl get po --all-namespaces
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Destroy the "pulumi_eks_py" project

cd $HOME/Pulumi/pulumi-iac-eks/pulumi_eks_py
pulumi destroy
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Remove the "pulumi_eks_py" project from Stack

cd $HOME/Pulumi/pulumi-iac-eks/pulumi_eks_py
pulumi stack rm pulumi_eks_py
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Top comments (1)

smashse profile image
Anderson Gama

Excellent article by Praneet Loke, thanks for the tip Martyna Łokuciejewska.

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