Hello Readers,
In laravel while designing blade file for PDF we require plain CSS only we cannot use any frameworks like bootstrap, tailwind CSS, Bulma, etc., and at same time to show data by grid system we have to use table.
But in some cases we require the rows of the table where the first row required the two columns and the second row requires three columns, this is possible when the data is static but it gets complicated when we have the dynamic.
To do that we use modulo operator (%) through which we can define these type of rows.
Refer the below code for better understanding.
$students = [
name: John,
last_name: Kim
name: Lee Min,
last_name: Hoo
name: Park,
last_name: Shin
name: Nick,
last_name: J
name: Kiara,
last_name: Advani
name: Jack,
last_name: Den
@foreach ($students as $key => $student)
@if ($key % 2 == 0)
echo '<tr class = "pdf-content">';
echo "<td class='width-50px'>
<b>Student's Name</b>
{{$student->first_name}} {{$student->last_name}}
{{ $student->username}}
</td> ";
@if ($key % 2 == 1)
echo '</tr>';
Thank you for reading ðŠ
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