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Antonio Barile for SparkFabrik

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UpsertDialog in React

In this tutorial we will see how to create a dialog containing a dynamic form, namely a configurable form, reusable in different scenarios with different data structures, in React.


To approach to this tutorial, it's necessary to have a basic understanding of:

We're going to use MUI as graphic library, but this is not a requirement: you can use any graphical library you like.

Table of contents

Here's a table of contents to help you navigate through the article in case you need some quick access to specific concepts:


Forms are everywhere, and the reason is simple: they're the mean through which the user can insert or edit the application data.

Two aspects are crucial while implementing a form:

  1. validation: user input must be validated based on specific criteria. Also, providing visible feedback is essential to inform the user about the correctness of data input.
  2. editing: in the majority of cases, allowing the user to edit previously input data is also important; typically these data come from a remote source, so the edit operation has to be asynchronous.

As the number of fields increases, so does the complexity of the form.

Form management in React

Frontend frameworks and libraries provide several ways to manage forms. We're focusing on React 18.2, the latest version at the moment of writing.
React provides two ways for developers to manage a form. Basically:

  • controlled: it consists in the binding of the properties value and onChange of an HTML input with, respectively, a React state and its setter;
  • uncontrolled: it consists in accessing the HTML elements under the layer introduced by React (i.e. Virtual DOM) through references, interacting with the DOM directly. The uncontrolled approach is discouraged though: it could lead to an unpredictable state since an HTML element is manipulated outside the scope of React itself. There's one advantage in using the uncontrolled approach nevertheless: changing the state of an HTML element in this way doesn't trigger a React re-render, as the controlled approach does. Even though this behavior has been mitigated from React 18 on (because of the batching of setState calls), when a form is made of a lot of inputs that need validation and possibly an initial value, re-renders could lead to some problems.

Actually, it's possibile to optimise the input with a controlled approach too: check the official documentation for more information.

React Hook Form

In the React ecosystem there are some really cool libraries that address the problem of form management. We're focusing our attention on one in particular: React Hook Form. The reasons why I like it so much are the following:

  • by default, it manages forms in an uncontrolled way precisely because it doesn't trigger an automatic re-render of the component; > By the way, as we'll see, it also provides a way to use the controlled approach, which is very useful in some specific scenarios (for example in React Native).
  • its API is exquisitely simple and straightforward, making it easy to perform complex operations on forms.

A dialog for upsert data

With upsert we mean both create and edit operations.

Especially in business applications, it's often necessary to manage different data-sets using the same user interface.
Dialogs are an effective way to achieve this because they're not tied to a specific UI context.

Let's take an example, in which we have 2 completely different data-sets with different needs, in terms of number of fields, of their types, of their validations etc.

  1. a car maintenance history, with the following inputs:
    • parts of the car you made replaced/repaired (required)
    • mileage at which the maintenance occurred (required)
    • date in which the maintenance occurred (optional, must have a date format if provided)
    • maintenance cost (optional, must be a number if provided)
  2. a collection of chemical elements you've studied at school, in particular:
    • name of the element (required)
    • its symbol (required, maximum 2 characters)
    • the atomic number (required, must be an integer number)
    • the atomic mass (optional, must be a number if provided)
    • is this element synthesised in a lab? (a boolean)

The way the data is shown, which in the example is the table, is up to you!

Let's consider some key aspects from the example above:

  • fields (and related validations) inside the dialog change according to the data-set managed;
  • both the fetch logic (only in editing) and the one for saving data (both in creation and editing) has the specific data-set as target;
  • in editing, data fetching happens asynchronously (a loading spinner is displayed while data is being fetched).

We could consider to do all these steps specifically for each data-set; of course this isn't an efficient approach due to the amount of repeated code involved.
So what if we could abstract all this in a single management? A way to do this could be using a simple configuration in which we specify each aspect for each input (its type, validations required and so on). And we can do this thanks to the extreme flexibility provided by React Hook Form.

If you're curious about how to make this work, keep reading because we're getting our hands dirty with some code!

UpsertDialog implementation

It's time to implement the form-dialog! But first, a clarification is due: what follows is just one way of implementing a dynamic form based on the aspects described in the section above. There are others, of course, but this one gets the job done.

Implementation details

The basic premise behind this implementation is that the management of the dialogue is responsibility of the component that hosts it (which we'll refer to from now on as host). The host is responsible for:

  1. the information contained inside the dialog (i.e. which data-set load);
  2. how managing data coming from the dialog;
  3. opening the dialog via trigger.

To reuse the dialog in any host, we need to stick to a pattern for logic reuse. React provides several ways to reuse logic, but one in particular is very simple, versatile and powerful: hooks. The idea is this: create a custom hook which, given some options, allows to:

  • configure a dialog component implementing a form managed by React Hook Form;
  • keep track of the state of opening of the dialog.

This way the custom hook can return:

  • a pre-configured dialog-form component, ready to be instantiated in the host;
  • a trigger function, which allows to open the dialog from the host.

Because hooks are available for function components only, be sure to implement the hosts as function components!

Project overview

First thing first, download the starter-kit.

The package.json file pins the versions of packages used to ensure that everything works as expected after following the article.

Let's take a quick tour of the project structure. The code is located in the src/features folder, which is divided into the following subfolders:

  • Tabs, which contains the implementation of two tabs (one per-set of data involved) using MUI Tabs
  • Tables, which contains the implementation of the two tables displayed in respective tab, CarMaintenanceHistory and ChemicalElementsLearnt. Being quite similar, they instantiate and configure a generic MyTable, which contains the MUI Table implementation.

You will find some simple type definition that will help you figure out what each component needs.

If you run the starter kit (by following the instructions contained in its, you'll see the following:

The image represents what you see after running the starter kit provided.

As you can see, random data is generated synchronously, and when you switch tabs, previously entered data is lost. This is due to the use of a custom hook, useData, which temporarily persists data in the component: as MyTable is destroyed and recreated on tab change, previously generated data is lost.

Also, deleting is not implemented because it is outside the scope of this tutorial. It's very easy to do, though, and you can do it by yourself as an exercise.

With that said, buckle up: we're ready to go!

The UpsertDialog component

The skeleton

We can identify 3 basic features our dialog needs to implement:

  1. A configuration for inputs to be displayed;
  2. A callback to be invoked when the form is submitted;
  3. When opened in editing mode, some initial data must be injected into the form.

We can also provide some optional features, like:

  1. a title to the dialog;
  2. a callback to be invoked when the dialog is closed. > These are just two of many optional features to be possibly provided to the dialog; for the sake of simplicity, we won't cover any other.

Let's convert these stuff into code. Create a new folder in features/ called UpsertDialog and a file index.tsx inside it, with the following content:

import { useEffect } from "react";
import { Button, Dialog, DialogActions, DialogContent, DialogTitle } from "@mui/material";

function UpsertDialog({
  inputConfig, // [1] The configuration
  title, // [4]
  onClose, // [5]
}) {
  // [2] Data submission logic
  const _onSubmit = (data: any) => {
    _onClose(); // close the dialog and executes logic associated with it
    onSubmit(data); // executes submission logic provided by the parent component, passing it form data

  // [3] Initial data injection (just a placeholder: this is going to be updated later)
  const isEditing = false;
  useEffect(() => {
    if (isEditing) {
      // inject initial values into the form
  }, [isEditing]);

  const _onClose = () => {
    onClose(); // [5] (optional) Custom logic on close

  return (
      onClose={(_, reason) => {
        if (reason !== "backdropClick") {
      {title && <DialogTitle>{title}</DialogTitle>} {/* [4] (optional) A title for the dialog */}
        { => (
          <Fragment key={}>{/* Instantiate the input */}</Fragment>
      <DialogActions sx={{ mx: 2, mb: 2 }}>
        <Button variant="text" color="error" onClick={_onClose}>
        <Button variant="contained" type="submit">

export default UpsertDialog;
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As you can see, the dialog close is disabled when the user clicks in the backdrop. This is an opinionated behaviour: if it doesn't fit your case, feel free to skip that check and register directly the _onClose to the onClose prop of the dialog.

The dialog component receives a bunch of props; let's extract them into a separate type to be saved into types.ts, inside the same folder:

export type UpsertDialogProps<T> = {
  title?: string;
  inputConfig: UpsertDialogInputConfig<T> | null; // we'll talk about this later
  isOpen: boolean;
  onSubmit: (data: any) => void;
  onClose: () => void;
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Update the component accordingly:

import { UpsertDialogProps } from "./types";
function UpsertDialog<T>({...}: UpsertDialogProps<T>) {...}
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N.B. From now on, you'll see ... in snippets: it's just a placeholder to refer to previously written code. This way we can concentrate only on the parts we want to add/change.

Setup of react-hook-form

Ok, now it's time to integrate react-hook-form! We're going to use its useForm hook and extract a bunch of things from it. We won't go into the explanation of how it works that much, so that we can focus exclusively on the dialog implementation; by the way, there are some comments in the code that can help you figure out what's going on.

If you have any doubt, always refer to the official documentation.

import { useForm } from "react-hook-form";
function UpsertDialog<T>({...}: UpsertDialogProps<T>) {
  const {
    register, // registers an input in the form managed by react-hook-form
    control, // *alternative* to register, needed for *controlled* input registration in react-hook-form (see below for details)
    handleSubmit, // extracts data from react-hook-form's state and providing it to a callback passed as its first parameter
    formState: { errors }, // the validation errors
    setValue, // needed to update the form values programmatically
    reset, // clears the form
  } = useForm();

  const _onSubmit = (data: any) => {
    // Cleanup of empty fields
    for (const key in data) {
      if (!data[key]) {
        delete data[key];

  const _onClose = () => {
    reset(); // Clears the react-hook-form's state

  return (
      <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(_onSubmit)}>
        {title && <DialogTitle>{title}</DialogTitle>}
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Note that we wrapped DialogContent and DialogActions inside a HTML form tag. In its onSubmit we passed the invocation of react-hook-form's handleSubmit, whose first parameter is a callback. This one is the custom logic to be applied to the data submission. handleSubmit provides the react-hook-form state to this callback: this is nothing but a JSON whose fields are the form input registered (shortly, you'll see how) and the values associated with them.

Note that in the _onSubmit we're cleaning empty fields: this might not be the case for you, so feel free to skip this code if it doesn't fit in your specific scenario.

Input registration

Now we need to link the graphical HTML input to the data layer provided by react-hook-form, an operation called registration. Before we do this, we need to remember that these fields will be dynamic, i.e. they will need to be defined by the host component. To do this, we can simply provide a configuration array, where each object corresponds to what's needed to configure a particular input.

Define the type UpsertDialogInputConfig which we've left undefined previously:

import { RegisterOptions } from "react-hook-form";

export type UpsertDialogInputConfig<T> = Array<{
  name: string; // the name required by the `register` function of `react-hook-form`
  options?: RegisterOptions; // the options accepted by the `register` function of `react-hook-form` (or by the `rules` prop of its `Controller` component)

  type?: "text" | "checkbox";
  placeholder: string; // the placeholder for each input field

  initialValue?: T[keyof T]; // the eventual initial value of the field (provided only when editing)
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Apart from the name and options fields (which are derivative of react-hook-form implementation), let's go through some opinionated fields of this type definition:

  • a type is used to define what kind of input is to be instantiated. For the sake of simplicity, we'll only focus on the text and checkbox types of input in this tutorial.
  • the placeholder, which can be used as the placeholder and/or as label;
  • the initialValue, that can be undefined if:
    • the dialog is opened in creation mode;
    • it's an optional field, so it could be not provided by the remote source in editing mode too.

Let's move on by updating our UpsertDialog component with the following:

import { ... Box, TextField, Typography, } from "@mui/material";

function UpsertDialog<T>({...}: UpsertDialogProps<T>) {
  const isFormDisabled = errors && !!Object.keys(errors).length;
  const isEditing = inputConfig != null && inputConfig.some((item) => item.initialValue);

  useEffect(() => {
    if (isEditing) {
      for (const item of inputConfig) {
        if (item.initialValue) {
          setValue(, item.initialValue);
  }, [inputConfig, isEditing, setValue]);


  return inputConfig && (
        { => {
          const placeholder = `${item.placeholder}${
            item.options && item.options.required ? " *" : ""

          return (
            <Box key={} mb={1}>
                {...register(, item.options)}
              {!!errors[] && (
                <Typography color="error" fontSize={12}>
        <Button variant="contained" type="submit" disabled={isFormDisabled}>
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As you can see, we're not relying on the required prop of the TextField component because that would enable the required check of HTML5 and we don't want that: we rely on react-hook-form for that kind of validation. So we just build the placeholder with an asterisk when this option is provided.

In case of any errors, two actions are taken:

  • the TextField component activates the red border on the field;
  • an error message is displayed right below the errored input field. > react-hook-form allows to customize this message in a naive way; we'll see how later.

We also handle the disabled state of the submit button.

If you're using MUI, you may experience a glitch when opening the form in edit mode: the value and the placeholder overlap. If this happens, here's how to fix it:

function UpsertDialog(...) {
  const { ..., watch } = useForm();
  const formState = watch();
  return (
    <TextField ... InputLabelProps={{ shrink: !!formState[] }}>...

Consider that this triggers a component re-render on each change on the form, so use it only if strictly necessary.


Since we're actually managing two possible types of input in this tutorial, it would be convenient to extract a separate component to keep things tidy.

Let's start by its props' type definition:

import { Control, Controller, FieldValues, UseFormRegister } from "react-hook-form";

export type DialogInputProps<T extends FieldValues> = {
  type?: "text" | "checkbox";
  configItem: UpsertDialogConfig[number];
  hasErrors: boolean;
  register: UseFormRegister<T>;
  control: Control<T>;
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Note that we're providing both the register prop and the control: this must be used exclusively by the controller component provided by react-hook-form. To clarify, check the following implementation:

Place this code in a file called UpsertDialogInput.tsx inside UpsertDialog folder.

import { Checkbox, FormControlLabel, TextField } from "@mui/material";
import { Controller } from "react-hook-form";
import { UpsertDialogInputProps } from "./types";

export default function UpsertDialogInput<T>({
  type = "text",
}: UpsertDialogInputProps<T>) {
  const placeholder = configItem.placeholder + (configItem.options?.required ? " *" : "");
  switch (type) {
    case "text":
      return (
          {...register(, configItem.options)} // <-- `register` function!
    case "checkbox":
      return (
          control={control} // <-- `control` instance!
          render={({ field }) => (
                  value={field.value ?? false}
                  checked={field.value ?? false}
                  onChange={() => field.onChange(!field.value)}
      throw new Error(`Unknown type: ${type}`);
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UpsertDialogInputProps has to be placed inside types.ts and be like this:

import { ..., Control, UseFormRegister } from "react-hook-form";

export type UpsertDialogInputProps<T> = {
    type?: 'text' | 'checkbox';
    configItem: UpsertDialogInputConfig<T>[number];
    hasErrors: boolean;
    register: UseFormRegister<any>;
    control: Control<any>;
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Passing down the register and control functions is very naive. We stick with this for simplicity and because we're only dealing with two types of input; a cleaner approach would be using useFormContext provided by the library.

You can see another component from react-hook-form here: Controller. It is actually an alternative from the "classic" register method that provides controlled capabilities to the form. However, it is implemented in such a way that it still has a performance guarantee. This is very important, because:

  • it allows to integrate react-hook-form in React Native, where <form> HTML is not present;
  • it gives us the ability to do very complex things with our input. In the example above you can see that we need to pass the value not only to the value prop of the field, but also to the checked one. If we had just used register this wouldn't be possible, whereas this way we can because we are accessing both the value and onChange fields directly! For this reason, this is what we have to use in case of more complex input implementations such as autocomplete, pickers and so on. > Be aware that when using Controller it's mandatory to register both the value and the onChange callback by hand!

Now let's rewrite the UpsertDialog implementation so that we can include just this component:

import UpsertDialogInput from './UpsertDialogInput.tsx'

export default function UpsertDialog(...) {
  return (
      { => (
          <Box my={1} key={}>
              {!!errors[] && (
                  <Typography color="error" fontSize={12}>
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The loading spinner

The last step to complete the component is to show a loading spinner if the dialog is not yet ready to be displayed. For this purpose, let's build another very simple dialog, which embeds just the CircularProgress component.

import { ..., CircularProgress } from "@mui/material";


export const LoadingDialog = () => (
  <Dialog open={true} transitionDuration={{ exit: TRANSITION_DELAY }}>
    <CircularProgress sx={{ margin: 4 }} />

export default function UpsertDialog<T>(...) {
  return (
      transitionDuration={{ appear: TRANSITION_DELAY }}
    > ...
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You might ask: why didn't we just replace the content of the UpsertDialog when it's not ready, instead of creating a separate component just for that? The problem is related to data fetching (which we'll cover shortly): when data is injected, the UpsertDialog is re-rendered, and this can cause an annoying glitch effect in the transition from "loading state" to "loaded state". Destroying the LoadingDialog component and creating the UpsertDialog when conditions allow it prevents this nasty effect. However, to achieve this we need to keep the transitionDuration -> end property of the former and the transitionDuration -> appear of the latter in sync!

Now that we have finished building our UpsertDialog, let's make it smart by leveraging on a custom helper: useUpsertDialog.

useUpsertDialog implementation

The custom useUpsertDialog hook will act as the glue that holds the configured UpsertDialog and the host together.
So, let's start by considering what we need:

  • detect whether the dialogue should be opened in create or edit mode: this could be done by checking the value of the id of the resource for which we're editing the data.
  • inject an initialValue when the dialog is opened in edit mode (but this is valid for creation mode too, in case of some "default value");
  • handle the open/close logic accordingly.

Basically we need to manipulate 2 states:

  1. for the config object, which can be:
    • an array of objects, each defining the configuration for each input;
    • null if the dialog is closed.
  2. for the id which can be:
    • a string or a number in case of editing mode;
    • a boolean set to true, if in creation mode. > N.B. This is just a personal convention I chosed; use whatever other value you prefer to distinguish the two modes.

From these considerations we can define a type:

export type UpsertDialogState<T> = {
  config: UpsertDialogInputConfig<T> | null;
  id: boolean | string | number;
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Remember that we've already defined UpsertDialogInputConfig<T> as an array!

As you can see, these 2 states are strictly related each other. To handle them, we could simply use 2 useState... but we can do better than that. React provides another great hook to handle this kind of scenario: useReducer: instead of managing the two states separately (which can be error-prone), we focus on simply 2 actions: the dialog opening and closing.
Write the following code inside the file upsertDialogReducer.ts:

import { UpsertDialogState } from "./types";


export const initialState: UpsertDialogState<unknown> = {
  config: null,
  id: false,

const reducer = <T>(state: UpsertDialogState<T>, action: { type: string; payload?: Partial<UpsertDialogState<T>> }) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case OPEN_DIALOG:
      const payload = action.payload;
      if (!payload) {
        return { ...initialState };
      return {
        config: payload.config || state.config,
        id: ||,
    case CLOSE_DIALOG:
      return { ...initialState };

export default reducer;
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Also note that the hook is somehow "bridging" between the host component (i.e. the one that implements the UpsertDialog, in our example the tables) and the UpsertDialog itself; so what it really needs is to pass is:

  • the inputConfig to be passed as an inputConfig param to the UpsertDialog;
  • the onSubmit callback function to fire when data is submitted;
  • a callback to retrieve initial data to inject into the dialog.

Extract another type from this:

export type UseUpsertDialog<T> = {
  title?: string;
  inputConfig: UpsertDialogInputConfig<T>;
  getInitialData: (itemId: string | number | boolean) => Promise<T | undefined>;
  onSubmit: (itemId: string | number | boolean, data: T) => Promise<void>;
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With this stuff in place, let's write down the useUpsertDialog.tsx, whose code is quite self-explanatory:

import { useEffect, useReducer, useRef } from "react";
import UpsertDialog, { LoadingDialog } from ".";
import upsertDialogReducer, {
  initialState as upsertDialogInitialState,
} from "./upsertDialogReducer";
import { UseUpsertDialog } from "./types";

export function useUpsertDialog<T extends object>({
}: UseUpsertDialog<T>) {
  const [dialogState, dispatchAction] = useReducer(upsertDialogReducer, upsertDialogInitialState);
  const dataFetchRequested = useRef(false);

  useEffect(() => {
    async function getInitialValues() {
      const editData = await getInitialData(;
      if (!editData) return;
      const config = [...inputConfig];
      for (const field in editData as T) {
        const configItemIndex = config.findIndex((item) => === field);
        let configItem = config[configItemIndex];
        if (!configItem) continue;
        configItem = { ...config[configItemIndex] };
        configItem.initialValue = editData[field];
        config.splice(configItemIndex, 1, configItem);
        type: OPEN_DIALOG,
        payload: {

    if (typeof !== "boolean" && !dataFetchRequested.current) {
      dataFetchRequested.current = true;
  }, [, getInitialData, inputConfig]);

  const handleCloseDialog = () => {
    dispatchAction({ type: CLOSE_DIALOG });
    dataFetchRequested.current = false;

  const handleOpenDialog = (id?: string | number | boolean) => {
      type: OPEN_DIALOG,
      payload: {
        config: id ? null : [...inputConfig],
        id: id || true,

  const _onSubmit = async (data: T) => {
    await onSubmit(, data);

  const isLoading = !! && !dialogState.config;

  return {
    UpsertDialog: () =>
      isLoading ? (
        <LoadingDialog />
      ) : (
    openDialog: handleOpenDialog,

export default useUpsertDialog;
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Some of you may be wondering: what's the point of a dataFetchRequested reference? Well, this is a little React trick that allows you to trigger a useEffect with dependencies just once! In fact, normally this behaviour is achieved by providing an empty dependency array to the useEffect. In our case, however, this is not possible, because we need several things in the useEffect, but this would re-trigger the getInitialValues in a loop, because a state change occurs within it! Instead, because references keep their value even after re-rendering, we can set the value right after the first fetch and check if the value is set or not: only if not, the data fetch occurs! Nice, isn't it?

Moreover, from the useUpsertDialog perspective there's no clue of the "editing" state. The hook behaves like: "Okay, I see there are some initial values, so I'm going to retrieve them." What does it mean? Simple: we can provide the initialValue to the input in creation mode as well, not necessarily only while editing the form!

UpsertDialog instantiation

Now that we're all set, all we need to do is to instantiate a custom UpsertDialog using the useUpsertDialog in the host component.

In our project we have 2 hosts: CarMaintenanceHistory and ChemicalElementsLearnt. Before approaching them though, it's necessary to edit a couple of files from the starter kit as some code is no longer needed.

  1. in MyTable/types.ts edit MyTableProps type as follows:
   export type MyTableProps<T> = {
    onNewItem: () => void;
    onEditItem: (id: number) => void;
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  1. in MyTable/index.ts remove the _tempCreateData definition and invocations.

Now, head to MyTable/CarMaintenanceHistory.tsx and let's use our custom hook!

export default function CarMaintenanceHistory() {
  const { data, handleInsertion, handleEdit } = useData<MaintenanceEntry>();

  const inputConfig: UpsertDialogInputConfig<MaintenanceEntry> = []; // TODO: see below
  const handleGetInitialData: (id: string | number | boolean) => Promise<MaintenanceEntry | undefined> = () =>
    Promise.resolve(undefined); // TODO: see below
  const handleOnSubmit: (id: string | number | boolean, data: MaintenanceEntry) => Promise<void> = () =>
    Promise.resolve(); // TODO: see below

  const { UpsertDialog, openDialog } = useUpsertDialog<MaintenanceEntry>({
    title: "Car Maintenance",
    getInitialData: handleGetInitialData,
    onSubmit: handleOnSubmit,

  return (
        onNewItem={() => openDialog()}
        onEditItem={(id) => openDialog(id)}
      <UpsertDialog />
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Let's start with the inputConfig. From its type definition you can guess it's an array, in which each item corresponds to the configuration of a specific field. Thanks to TypeScript, we can bridge the options field with the RegisterOptions of react-hook-form so that we're able to provide any validation needed for a specific field, just like you would do interacting with react-hook-form directly.

const inputConfig = [
    name: "parts",
    placeholder: "Parts",
    options: {
      required: "Field required",
    name: "mileage",
    placeholder: "Mileage",
    options: {
      required: "Field required",
      validate: (v) => !!Number.parseInt(v) || "Mileage must be a number",
    name: "date",
    placeholder: "Date",
    options: {
      validate: (v) => {
        if (v && new Date(v).toString() === "Invalid Date") {
          return "Invalid date format";
        return true;
    name: "cost",
    placeholder: "Cost",
    options: {
      validate: (v) => {
        if (v && !v.match(/^\d+([\\.]\d+)*$/g)) {
          return "Cost has to be a number";
        return true;
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The logic provided in validate fields is very weak; in a real-world scenario it is better to use a dedicated library or more robust logic instead.

One "quirk" about validation in react-hook-form is that if you specify a string as the return value of a validation rule, then if the validation fails, the message will be mapped to the error associated with that field.

In the section above, we've already configured our dialog so that a little red text displays right under the input field when that field has an error.

When it comes to handleGetInitialData, this callback is invoked inside the useUpsertDialog when some initialValue is detected inside its configuration. So, in order to work properly, it must return the entity. Most of the times, though, this operation is executed retrieving data from a remote resource: luckily, the callback is async so we can perform any asynchronous operation we want. While it fetches the data, the loading spinner in the dialog will show up:

const handleGetInitialData = async (id) => {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    const item = data.find((item) => === id);
    if (item && { = new Date("en");
    setTimeout(() => resolve(item), 2000);
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

In the example, we're managing data synchronously via useData hook; setting a timeout allows us to simulate a remote call.

It's important to note that once we've retrieved the data, we can do any manipulation we want to make the application digest our data properly (for example, if a field has an array as a value, we could join it into a string).

Finally, the handleOnSubmit is called when the submit button is pressed. Here we can call both the data insertion and data update logic: both operations are asynchronous, so this callback is also asynchronous. To distinguish between a creation and an edit, we can rely on the id provided as the first parameter of the callback — if it's a boolean, it's a creation, otherwise it's an edit:

const handleOnSubmit = async (id, data) => {
  const isEditing = typeof id !== "boolean";
  if ( { = new Date(;
  isEditing ? handleEdit(id as number, data) : handleInsertion(data);
  return Promise.resolve();
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

We used type assertion for id because in our project we're using number ids, while the UpsertDialog support also strings ids.

Consider that this function is somehow the opposite of getInitialData: for this reason, if data needs to be manipulated before being sent to a backend (e.g. split a string with commas into an array) this is the right place to do it.

Note that in the example we are saving the data in the state as a DateString and show it back as a LocaleDateString in the dialog!

As a final note, there's no need to directly manipulate data when interacting with the table, so the props onNewItem and onEditItem simply open the dialog, using the trigger provided by useUpsertDialog hook.

In the light of this, the implementation of the dialog in the other consumer component, ChemicalElementsLearnt, doesn't need further explanations:

const tableConfig: MyTableConfig<ChemicalElementEntry> = [
    heading: "Name",
    keyInData: "name",
    heading: "Symbol",
    keyInData: "symbol",
    heading: "Atomic Number",
    keyInData: "atomicNumber",
    heading: "Atomic Mass",
    keyInData: "atomicMass",
    heading: "Is Synthetic",
    keyInData: "synthetic",

const inputConfig: UpsertDialogInputConfig<ChemicalElementEntry> = [
    name: "name",
    placeholder: "Name",
    options: {
      required: "Field required",
    name: "symbol",
    placeholder: "Symbol",
    options: {
      required: "Field required",
      maxLength: {
        value: 2,
        message: "Symbol must be maximum 2 characters long",
      pattern: {
        value: /^[a-zA-Z]+$/,
        message: "Symbol must contain only letters",
    name: "atomicNumber",
    placeholder: "Atomic Number",
    options: {
      required: "Field required",
      max: {
        value: 118,
        message: "Maximum number allowed is 118",
      min: {
        value: 1,
        message: "Minimum number allowed is 1",
      pattern: {
        value: /^\d+$/g,
        message: "Atomic number must be a positive integer number",
    name: "atomicMass",
    placeholder: "Atomic Mass",
    options: {
      validate: (v) => {
        if (v && !v.match(/^\d+([\\.]\d+)*$/g)) {
          return "Atomic number must be a valid number";
        return true;
    type: "checkbox",
    placeholder: "Artificially produced",
    name: "syntetic",

export default function ChemicalElementsLearnt() {
  const { data, handleInsertion, handleEdit } = useData<ChemicalElementEntry>();

  const handleGetInitialData: (id: string | number | boolean) => Promise<ChemicalElementEntry | undefined> = async (
  ) => {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      const item = data.find((item) => === id);
      setTimeout(() => resolve(item), 2000);

  const handleOnSubmit: (id: string | number | boolean, data: ChemicalElementEntry) => Promise<void> = async (
  ) => {
    const isEditing = typeof id !== "boolean";
    data.synthetic = !!data.synthetic;
    isEditing ? handleEdit(id as number, data) : handleInsertion(data);
    return Promise.resolve();

  const { UpsertDialog, openDialog } = useUpsertDialog<ChemicalElementEntry>({
    title: "Chemical Element",
    getInitialData: handleGetInitialData,
    onSubmit: handleOnSubmit,

  return (
      <MyTable config={tableConfig} data={data} onNewItem={() => openDialog()} onEditItem={(id) => openDialog(id)} />
      <UpsertDialog />
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

In this example, I've put the inputConfig outside the component: this is to show you that you can place each part of the configuration of useUpsertDialog hook anywhere you want (even in a separate file to keep things as much tidy as possible)!


If you are reading this, congratulations! This has been quite a long journey and I want to thank you for coming along.

You can find the final code here.

However, we simply touched the tip of the iceberg: there's much more that can be implemented. Just to give you some examples, we could:

  • implement an autocomplete input, with options retrieved from remote;
  • implement fancy input like date/color/whatever pickers, as well as inputs having prefix/suffix etc.
  • implement custom validation on the entire form, so that you can cross-validate values of the inputs;
  • add a configurable hint under an hint, to give more information about what kind of value that input accepts;
  • add additional logic on the dialog cancel;
  • do any other fancy stuff that possibly pops out of your mind!

There are also some "side-features" that you can use:

  • create more instances of the dialog inside the same host to handle possible different scenarios of upsertion;
  • the implementation logic used can be applied to other types of dialogs too, not necessarily with forms (for example custom confirmation dialogs).

Ok, that's enough for now. Let me know what you think, about the implementation itself, if you need some aspects being deepened or whatever... just drop a comment on the DEV mirror of this blog, or contact me.

Never lose the spark and keep learning everyday!


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