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Moving from beginner to (slightly more) advanced git with aliases.

Scott Spence on June 01, 2017

The more you work with Git the more familiar you become with the commands used in your every day workflow for your projects or your team's projects...
maschall profile image
Mark Schall

Nice guide to git aliases.

I will say though, 'git add .' is a bad habit I see a lot of developers do. I often find others adding more than they want or need to a commit.

+100 for leaving a comment in your aliases. When I add an alias to bash from some online source I like to document it too.

spences10 profile image
Scott Spence

Hey Mark,

thanks for the feedback.

It's a good point yes and I have bee caught out by this in the past.

What I didn't mention is that I use VSCode and it's awesome git interface for adding specific files for what to commit.

I do use git s (git status) quite heavily when not in VSCode.

maschall profile image
Mark Schall

I use gitx on Mac to do most of my committing just because I want to be sure what's in and what's not in the commit.

I've always done command line aliases (bash and bat), like 's' for 'git status', but I'm starting to think about using git aliases instead to remind myself I'm still in a git frame of mind.

lt0mm profile image
Tom • Edited

For that reason I use shell alias which shows status after adding something

a = "!f() { git add ${1-.} $2 $3 $4 && git status; }; f"

and also I will put just several aliases which I find very useful, unfortunately some of them won't work on windows

shows aliases it is very convenient for seldom used aliases and when you just have added some new (won't work on windows)

aliases = !git config --list | grep 'alias\\.' | sed 's/alias\\.\\([^=]*\\)=\\(.*\\)/\\1\\\t => \\2/' | sort  | grep -E --color=auto ^[a-z-]+

I really like short form of status

s = status -s

and because of that st is full form

st = status

log can be in your custom format, mine is a little bit complicated because of colors, it shows hash, date, time, branch, author and message in one line

l = log  --format='%h %Cgreen%ad%Creset %C(bold blue)%an%Creset %Cred%d%Creset %s ' --date=format:'%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S

log with modified files list

lf = "!git l --name-status"

Get the current branch name (used in other aliases)

branch-name = rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD

Push the current branch to the remote "origin", and set it to track the upstream branch

publish = "!git push -u origin $(git branch-name)"

PS sorry for such big comment
PS2 and I've found one of my sources, there are a lot of useful aliases there, you can chose something which is suited you

rafaelcg profile image
Rafael Corrêa Gomes

Thanks for sharing these all great tips :)

equimper profile image
Emanuel Quimper

Really good :) Thank you for this guide

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Great guide!

spences10 profile image
Scott Spence

Thanks Ben, I think I'd like to make a discussion for something like this actually. Get other people's opinions.