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Running Docker on Digital Ocean Droplets

Have you been thinking of moving to docker for some devOps work? Try setting up a containerized Website with the help of docker and portainer. Use some of the latest 2018 developer tools to get the must customization out of your website.

Firstly, you will need to setup your droplet at Digital Ocean. Use this link to get a free $10 dollars. Once you have chosen a droplet location, select your droplet size. Recommended size is at least $20 per month. Once you have your ip address and successfully started running your droplet.

Navigate to your Portainer and grab the latest copy using their docker setup.

Secondly, ensure you have docker installed on your droplet. Use the lastest docker install and make sure to update your system via "apt-get" command.

Run your setup of portainer in an open port via:

$ docker run -d -p 9000:9000 --restart always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /opt/portainer:/data portainer/portainer

Congratulations! This command will setup your containerized environment and will get you started running websites in containers with the help of portainer.

Remember to keep your Portainer ports Open and running within your droplet or you will not be able to access your portainer dashboard.

Cheers! Happy Devs, for Days!

Top comments (2)

sosensible profile image
John Farrar

A bit more detail would actually be helpful. This was like saying the way to set up Portainer on Digital Ocean is to create an account on DO and install Portainer.

christiaan2b profile image

What about HTTPS setup?