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Jakob Beckmann for Innovation Process Technology AG (ipt)

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A Very Deep Dive Into Docker Builds

Containers are everywhere. From Kubernetes for orchestrating deployments and simplifing operations to Dev Containers for flexible yet reproducible development environments. Yet, while they are ubiquitous, images are often built sub-optimally. In this post we will be looking at a full example of a Docker build for a Python application and what best practices to consider.


This is a real world example from an very small component we built in Python for one of our clients. Very few alterations were made to the original configuration (changing URLs, and removing Email addresses mostly). We will go in depth as to why we did every single little thing. While some stuff is quite Python-centric, the same principles apply to other languages, and the text should be broad enough so that it is understandable how to transfer this example to different languages.

Also, this is a long article, so if you actually plan on reading it, grab yourself a snack and a fresh drink first.


The goal of this post is to showcase how one can setup a Docker build that is:

  • fully reproducible,
  • as fast as possible,
  • fails early on code issues,
  • isolates testing from deployed code,
  • is secure.

The example we will use for this implements quite a lot to ensure only quality code reaches production, and that it can do so as fast as possible. Going all the way might not be necessary for all projects using Docker. For instance, if you release code to production only once a day (or less) you might care less about release build cache optimization. This example is however meant to show the "extreme" to which you can push Docker, so that you can (in theory) push code to production fully continuously (CI/CD principles). But yeah ...

A meme that one does not simply push docker images to production


Why do we have these goals? Reproducible builds are one of the most important factors for proper compliance, and for easier debugging. Debugging is simpler, since we ensure that no matter the environment, date, or location of the build, if it succeeds, the same input generates the same output. Moreover, it brings stability, as a pipeline might not suddenly fail on a nightly build (if you still do such things) because a new upstream library or program was released that is used somewhere in your supply chain.

Regarding compliance, we need to be able to tell and revert to the exact state of software that was deployed in the past. Without reproducible builds, using Git to track back to a previous state of deployed code does not help you much, because while you can validate what code you deployed, you don't know what versions of everything else you deployed with it.

Builds should be fast, and fail fast. The reason here is that no one likes to wait. You don't want to wait for 2 hours to figure out whether a tiny code change breaks tests or does not even compile.

You will want to isolate test code from deployed code, because more code equals more bugs. While testing frameworks are very good at isolating test code from code being tested, writing tests generates a risk of bugs. Moreover, the test code is unneeded bloat for your runtime application. Thus it should be isolated from it.

Finally security. While some people think that containers improve security by default, this is not the case. Container technology has the potential to indeed improve the robustness of some security measures and controls. However, in order to achieve this, one needs to correctly utilize containers and build the images with security in mind. For instance, if an image contains certain utilities that allow it to connect to the internet (such as curl or wget), it suddenly makes the container much more vulnerable to container escape attacks (where an attacker manages to move from the container to the underlying host), and hence the whole isolation benefit of the container (which can be a security control) is broken. The same is true for containers that contain interpreters and allow the runtime user to open, edit and execute arbitrary files. As our container will contain Python code, and hence the Python interpreter, this is definitely something we need to take very seriously.

Python Goals

Our example is based on Python, an interpreted language. This is not ideal, as it means that it does not require a compile step. Compilation optimization is however a very important aspect in Docker builds. In order to still address this, I will talk about this, but will not refer to the configuration examples. One could ask why I did not take a compiled language example then. The reason is very simple, I wanted a real world example such that this post is not just theoretical goodness, and most Golang image builds I am currently working on are more basic and not as educational.

Yet another question could be "why deploy Python in Docker in the first place?". This is a very legitimate question. Python requires a lot of OS bloat to just be able to run. This means that typically a VM is a good choice to host it. For all those saying that Docker is still better because of performance (due to faster startup, no hardware virtualization overhead, etc): this is not true for such cases where a large part of an OS needs to be in the Docker image. A VM of a full init-based Linux system can be launched in less than 250ms on modern technology. A full Ubuntu installation with systemd can be completely booted in around 2.5 seconds. The former is in the same order of magnitude that it might take the Python interpreter to just load the code of a large Python application.

So performance cannot be said to be better with Docker, why choose Docker then? Better reasons are that you can strip down a Docker image much easier than an OS. This is critical for us due to security requirements. While Python requires a lot of OS features, the majority of the OS is still bloat. Every piece of bloat is a potential attack vector (each of these unused components might have one or more CVEs that we need to patch, even though we don't even use that software). Another reason is that the build process of Docker is much simpler to manage. There are tools such as Packer that allow similar processes for VMs, but these are not as standardized as the open container initiative (OCI - which Docker adheres to).

Another very important point is the ease of development. Docker and other OCI compliant products provide us with a possibility to build, test, and run our build artefacts (in this case Docker images) everywhere. This makes it very simple and fast for our developers to test the build and perform a test run of an image locally on their development machine. This would not be quite the case with VMs or raw artefacts (JARs, source code archives, ...). Moreover, the OCI ecosystem does not only include specifications on how to interact with images, but also how to setup and configure critical elements such as persistence and networking. These aspects are made very simple with Docker, and would be quite a pain to manage securely with most other technologies.

Finally the main reason for us is the choice of runtime. We have very decent container runtimes (RKE, RHOS, K3s) available to deploy applications. We are very familiar with them, and they offer us a lot of functionality. These all support containers primarily.

A Tiny Bit of Background

Last before we get into the dirty details, a tiny bit of background into what we are building. The application we will be building here is a sort of a facade reverse proxy. It offers a standardized API to clients, which can connect and perform requests. Based on the content of the request, the component will trigger a routing algorithm that defines where the request needs to be routed. This routing algorithm might require several API calls in the backend to different systems to figure out where the call should go. Once done, the component will relay the call to a backend, and forward the response to the client. The client is never aware that it is talking to more than one component, and only needs to authenticate to that single system. Imagine an API Gateway, but where the routing is extremely complex and requires integration with systems such as Kubernetes, a cloud portal, and more.

The Details

Here is an overview of our Dockerfile:

FROM internal.registry/base/ca-bundle:20220405 AS cert-bundle

FROM internal.registry/base/python:3.9.2-slim AS builder

COPY --from=cert-bundle /certs/ /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
RUN update-ca-certificates


RUN pip install \
  --upgrade \
  --no-cache-dir \
  --ignore-installed \
  --trusted-host \
  --trusted-host \
  --trusted-host \

ENV REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

COPY Pipfile Pipfile
COPY Pipfile.lock Pipfile.lock

RUN pipenv install --deploy

### Tester image
FROM builder AS test

RUN pipenv install --dev --deploy

COPY ./pyproject.toml pyproject.toml
COPY ./assets/ ./assets
COPY ./features/ ./features
COPY ./tests/ ./tests
COPY ./src/ ./

RUN --mount=type=cache,target=./.mypy_cache/ \
  --mount=type=cache,target=./.pytest_cache/ \
  pipenv run mypy . \
  && pipenv run black --check . \
  && pipenv run bandit -ll ./*.py \
  && PYTHONPATH=./ pipenv run pytest

### Runner image
FROM internal.registry/base/distroless-python:3.9.2
LABEL maintainer="Redacted <redacted-email>"

COPY --from=builder /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
ENV REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

USER 1000

COPY --from=builder --chown=1000 /app/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages ./my-app
WORKDIR /app/my-app

COPY --chown=1000 ./src/ ./

ENTRYPOINT ["python3"]
CMD ["./"]
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We will go through it line by line and figure out why we did what we did, and why we did not choose a different approach. Let's start!

FROM internal.registry/base/ca-bundle:20220405 AS cert-bundle
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In this line we reference a container image for later use and provide it a name alias cert-bundle. This container image contains only data: our production network proxy certificates and all internal certificate authorities. We need these CAs as we will connect over TLS to backend components that have internal certificates. We also need the production network proxy certificates as we will pull dependencies straight from the internet, and all that traffic is routed over a gateway proxy. Why distribute these certificates over a Docker image instead of a compressed TAR? The main reason is that we want to have a unified way that we build artefacts and manage CI/CD pipelines. By creating and managing the certificates via Docker, we can use our entire Docker setup (such as UCD/Jenkins/Tekton pipelines for building, registry for distribution, quality gates for security, etc) and do not need to have a different system to manage the certificates. Note that we refer to the exact state of the certificate bundle (20220405), which refers to the state of the certificates per 5th of April 2022. This is very important to make the build reproducible. If we did not pin the version of the certificates, it would mean that we could build the image maybe today, but it would fail tomorrow, once the certificates change (even though we did not change the code at all). You will note that we will pin every single version in the entire build process.

FROM internal.registry/base/python:3.9.2-slim AS builder
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In this line, we reference the base image we will start building from. This is the official Python image for Python version 3.9.2. We use the slim version because we don't need much more than the standard Python installation. We pull this from our own registry, as all Docker images are scanned beforehand to reduce the risk of supply chain attacks. Also here, the version is pinned. We provide this build step the builder alias. In essence this means that starting from this line we define an image stage that will contain the build process of our application. For Python, this mostly includes downloading dependencies (both software and system level), and injecting the source code, as there will be no compile step.

COPY --from=cert-bundle /certs/ /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
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This copies our certificates into our build image. We do this by referencing the build step cert-bundle (see first line of the Dockerfile again) in the --from argument of the COPY command. Note that we could have referenced the image directly in the --from argument. We choose to use build stage aliases for visibility, and reduce duplication if the certificates need to be copied into different stages. Note that this copies only the raw certificates. A OS specific bundle would still need to be generated.

RUN update-ca-certificates
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Here we do exactly this, we generate a certificate bundle for the underlying OS of our builder image (Debian). This allows our subsequent build steps to use the certificate bundle to validate host certificates on TLS connections.

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We then set a working directory. The idea is to have a base directory on which we now operate. This can be nearly any working directory, and will be created if non-existent. We choose /app/ by convention. Moreover, note that we tend to reference directories with the trailing / to make it more explicit that we are referencing directories and not files. We use this convention throughout the configuration/code.

RUN pip install \
  --upgrade \
  --no-cache-dir \
  --ignore-installed \
  --trusted-host \
  --trusted-host \
  --trusted-host \
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We use an environment virtualization technology for Python. This is called pipenv. It allows us to have many different versions of the same dependency installed locally, without them conflicting. This is very important when you are developing many applications at the same time locally. By running this line we install version 2024.2.0 of pipenv (pinned). Other than Python itself, these are the only tools required for our Python development environment. If we were using a different language, pipenv would be substituted with your dependency management tool (such as Maven for Java). Note that we only install pipenv itself, we do not install the dependencies. Also using the flags provided we ensure a fully clean install of pipenv.

This is an example where we reach out to the internet and thus needed the network proxy certificates.

A very good question here might be "why to use pipenv at all, considering it is typically used for environment virtualization, which is already covered by Docker itself?". There are two aspects here. The first is to allow us to lock dependencies using their hash, which is not natively supported by pip (the standard Python package manager). The second is that we want to keep the build process within Docker as close to the build process outside of it. While we do not build artefacts outside of Docker per-se, the IDEs of our developers need to fall back on these technologies to support features such as library-aware code completion, type-checking, test integration, debugging, etc. This could also be achieved by connecting the IDE to an instance running directly in Docker. This however is relatively complex and requires the setup to support remote debugging. In theory, these are not really problems as long as the dev environments are uniform, but we allow each developer to work with the tools he/she desires to develop code. It then suddenly becomes very difficult to have a stable setup that works for everybody, especially considering that some of our developers do not want/know how to configure their environments to that level (client-server debugger setups, network and volume management between the IDE and Docker, ...).

ENV REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
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Here we set environment variables for pipenv. Firstly we want the dependencies to be installed directly in the project repository, not centrally. This allows us to ensure that we do not accidentally copy a system Python dependency that installed by default with the base image. The second configures the certificate bundle we generated in the beginning to be used by pipenv. It does not use the system configured bundle by default, so it needs to be configured manually here.

COPY Pipfile Pipfile
COPY Pipfile.lock Pipfile.lock
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Now the interesting stuff. Here we copy the dependency files into the image. The first file contains a list of dependencies that we use for our project. The second contains a hash the dependencies should have, including indirect dependencies (dependencies of dependencies), in order to ensure that we always get exactly the same dependency code for very install. The first looks as follows:

url = ""
verify_ssl = true
name = "pypi"

requests = "==2.28.2"
pydantic = "==1.10.4"
# more dependencies ...

black = "==23.1"
bandit = "==1.7.4"
pytest = "==7.2.1"
pytest-mock = "==3.9.0"
pytest-bdd = "==6.1.1"
mypy = "==1.1.1"
types-Pygments = "=="
# more dev dependencies ...

python_version = "3.9"
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Note that we split dependencies into normal packages we require for our application, and packages only required for testing and our quality gates ([dev-packages]). This is important later on, as we do not wish to have packages only required for testing in our production Docker image.

I will not show you an example of the lock file, as it contains mostly checksum hashes. Simply trust me that it contains the exact checksum that every package (such as the dependencies of requests) has to have to be installed. The reason this is required in the first place, is because the dependencies of requests are likely not pinned to an exact version and might thus change between installations unless locked via our Pipfile.lock. This would undesired as it would make our builds un-reproducible. The lock file itself is generated by our developers in two different scenarios. The first is when a library is added due to some new feature. In such a case the new library is added to the Pipfile, and an installation is triggered outside of Docker. This will install the new library and potentially update already installed ones (in case of conflicts). Hence new hashes will be added to the lock file. The second is on a lifecycle of the existing libraries or of our Python version. In such a case we update the pinned version in the Pipfile and trigger an installation outside of Docker. Again, pipenv would then update the direct dependencies, and potentially transitive ones, and update their hashes in the lock file.

RUN pipenv install --deploy
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Here we install the dependencies for our application. The --deploy flag means that we want to install the dependencies based on the lock file. Moreover, we do not install the dev packages yet, only the ones needed for the production code.

### Tester image
FROM builder AS test
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Here we generate a new Docker build stage. We have generated a stage with builder that contains the required certificates and the production dependencies, and nothing more. We now want to test our code and validate quality gates. We do not want to perform this in the builder stage, because it would pollute our production dependencies. Moreover, using a different stage allows to trigger builds more granularly with BuildKit. For instance, I would be able to configure (with --target=test) to only build the image up to the test stage, and skip any later stages (such as the runtime image in our case). This can be very useful in pipelines, for instance, where we want to run the test on every commit, but are not interested in building a real artefact unless the commit is tagged.

With this line we essentially say "start a new stage called test from the latest state of builder". We also add a comment above to make it more visible that we are starting a new stage in the Dockerfile. Stage comments are typically the only comments we have in the Dockerfiles.

RUN pipenv install --dev --deploy
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In this line we now deploy the development dependencies, including tools for quality checks (mypy, bandit, black, see below for details) and for testing. Again, we use the --deploy flag to ensure we always use the same versions to make the build fully reproducible.

COPY ./pyproject.toml pyproject.toml
COPY ./assets/ ./assets
COPY ./features/ ./features
COPY ./tests/ ./tests
COPY ./src/ ./
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Here is the first time we copy actual content, other than the list of dependencies, into our image. This means that up until now all layers in the build process can be fully cached if we perform code changes. Thinking about this is primordial if you want an efficient build process. Even here, we copy code in reverse order based on likelihood of change. The first file we copy in configures our tooling and quality gates. This is unlikely to change unless we introduce a new tool or change configuration of an existing one. An example of the file can be seen below.

The second line copies assets. These are used for testing, such as test configurations for configuration validation etc. These are also quite unlikely to change unless we write new tests of our configuration classes.

The third line copies in our Cucumber files for BDD testing. These change only when we either define new behavioral tests or add features.

The fourth line copies our test code, this is quite likely to change, as it contains all our unit tests, and the testing framework for behavioral tests.

Finally the last line copies in our actual code. This, along with the unit tests, is the code that is most likely to change, and thus comes last. This way on a code change, all lines up to this one (assuming we did not add/change tests) can be used from cache.

line-length = 100

pythonpath = [
bdd_features_base_dir = "features/"

exclude = [
ignore_missing_imports = false
warn_unused_configs = true
warn_redundant_casts = true
# more settings ...

module = [
# skip libraries without stubs
ignore_missing_imports = true
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RUN --mount=type=cache,target=./.mypy_cache/ \
  --mount=type=cache,target=./.pytest_cache/ \
  pipenv run mypy . \
  && pipenv run black --check . \
  && pipenv run bandit -ll ./*.py \
  && PYTHONPATH=./ pipenv run pytest
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This line aggregates our quality gates and testing. For quality gates we have:

  • mypy: checks typing information where provided. We do not perform strict typing so that type information is required everywhere, but we validate that the provided typing is correct.
  • black: checks formatting of the code to ensure it is according to your guidelines.
  • bandit: performs basic security checks. This is a non-blocking check, meaning that the build will only fail if issues of severity MEDIUM or higher a found. LOW severity check fails are ignored.

Finally we run our testing (with pytest). We run the testing last, as it is the most time consuming of the tasks, and it does not need to be executed if the code fails to adhere to our standards. Note that you could add any other gates here, such as a code coverage baseline that needs to be adhered to, various code analysis checks, or security scans. We only perform one more security check against dubious code and supply chain attacks during the build process. This check is however done on the final Docker image and is thus executed by the pipeline itself outside of the Docker build process.

Note that all commands are executed as one RUN statement. This is best practice, as none of these commands can be cached individually. Either all have to be executed again if layer it builds upon changed, or none has to run. Putting them into the same RUN statement generates a single new layer for all four commands, which reduces the layer count and build overhead for Docker.

Finally, note the --mount options passed to RUN (introduced with BuildKit 1.2). These allow to cache content within the Docker build between builds. Here we mount two caches, one for mypy and one for pytest. These ensure that if a subsequent Docker build is triggered for code that does not affect some files, the typing checks and tests are not run again for these files, but taken from the cache. For pytest this is actually done on a "per-test" basis, ensuring tests are not run unless code they are testing is changed. Such caches can massively increase the speed of your pipelines, especially when your project grows and the test suites start to take more time to run through.

### Runner image
FROM internal.registry/base/distroless-python:3.9.2
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This defines the runner image. We are done with testing and want to build the productive artefact, as all checks have passed. In a compiled setup, this would mean we would now have a release compilation stage (before building the runtime image). This is done after testing as the release binary/JAR will be compiled with optimizations, which can take quite long, and is unnecessary if the tests fail anyways. Thus in a compiled language like Java or Golang, we would now continue from the builder again, copy the code back into the layer, and compile. Here one should be careful, most languages support incremental compilation to reduce compilation times. When this is supported, one needs to mount a build cache, or the incremental compilations from previous builds will be lost every time the code changes, as the entire compilation layer will be discarded from the cache. This is done the same way as in the previous block, with --mount parameters.

Once the compilation is completed, and we have our final artefact (binary or JAR), we want to copy it into the runtime image. The idea is again to restrict bloat to reduce our attack surface. For instance, in a Java setup, we only need a working JRE to run our application, we no longer need Maven, the Java compiler, etc. Thus, after the build process, we use a new stage for the runtime image. This is what we did for Python here, since we have no compilation step. We use a different image than our initial internal.registry/base/python:3.9.2-slim image, as we no longer need pip (the Python package manager), and other bloat. Instead we use a distroless image, which is essentially a stripped down Debian image containing truly the base minimum to run Python code, but nothing to manage it, etc. Again, we use our own copy of the distroless image from our scanned registry.

LABEL maintainer="Redacted <redacted-email>"
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This line adds metadata to the image. This is not necessary to have a good image, but useful when using images that are shared across huge organisations. This is the official maintainer label we use, where we reference our team, such that anyone that downloads the image and inspects it can see who built it, and how to get into contact with us in case of issues.

COPY --from=builder /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
ENV REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
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Same as before, we copy certificates and configure Python to use our bundle. Note that this time we directly copy the bundle generated in the builder and not from the certificate image, as we need a bundle and cannot create it in this image (update-ca-certificates is not contained in the distroless image). We need to copy this explicitly since we started from a fresh image. The test stage had the bundle implicitly configured from the builder stage, upon which it was set up.

USER 1000
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We set a working directory again. This is also necessary since starting from a fresh image. Also we set a non root user. This is necessary since we do not want to run our code as root for security reasons (reduce the impact of a remote code execution - RCE vulnerability). Note that any statement after the USER statement will be executed in the context of that user. Therefore I would for instance not be allowed to run update-ca-certificates (if it was present in the image) in a RUN statement from now on, as this requires root privileges.

COPY --from=builder --chown=1000 /app/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages ./my-app
WORKDIR /app/my-app
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Here we copy the non-dev packages from the builder stage into our productive image. Note that we use a path from within the project root (/app/), since we set pipenv to install the virtual environment directly in the project (the PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT variable). We copy the site-packages (the dependencies) directly into a subfolder, in which our application will live. This ensures that they are treated as if we wrote them ourselves, as individual Python modules in our code. They essentially become indistinguishable from our own code. This allows to keep consistency in our module names are resolved. Note we need to add the --chown flag, as the dependencies were installed by the root user in the builder image, and they need to be readable by our user 1000 that will run the application. The --chown flag will change the files' owner (and group) to the provided argument.

The second line simply sets the new working directory to be the new project directory into which we copied the code from the dependencies.

COPY --chown=1000 ./src/ ./
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Here we copy the source code back into the production image. We did this after copying the dependencies, such that the dependency layer can be cached again. Moreover, we only copy the source code, no tests, no assets, no Cucumber features. All these latter ones are not needed to run our application. Finally note that we copy it not from the test stage, but again back from the outside build context. This is because we mock a lot during testing, changing some code behavior dynamically. Copying it back in from the outside context ensures we do copy the exact code that is in our Git repository, and not something that was accidentally modified during testing, etc.

ENTRYPOINT ["python3"]
CMD ["./"]
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Finally we set an entrypoint and a command. The entrypoint defines what will always be executed on a Docker run (unless explicitly overwritten), and the command provides the default arguments unless overwritten via the Docker run arguments. We always use lists instead of full strings to ensure that the arguments get passed to the Kernel as system calls instead of being executed by a shell. This is important to ensure proper signal handling (when you want to terminate containers), and since there is simply no shell in the distroless image we are building.

That's it

Holy molly... There is a lot that goes into building a simple Docker image. And that considering we did not even compile anything, which would require a decent amount of extra work, and that all our tooling can be managed directly via pipenv and do not need to be installed separately via curl or some OS package manager.

So is it worth it? To put so much thought into how a simple Docker image gets built? I would argue yes. I will not start an idiomatic discussion on the benefits of smaller images, security best practices, or having tests being run directly in the Docker build. If you want such a discussion, go to Reddit or Youtube, you find plenty of beef between people fighting about these topics like their life depends on it. All I will say is this:

  • I can run docker build ... after each save on a file, since the caching is optimized to a point where a full build on a code changes takes about 1-2 seconds. Being able to run this so often gives me the confidence that what I will push will actually pass in the pipeline.
  • Using proper caching makes me avoid having to wait 2-5 minutes each time I want to compile something. Since 2-5 minutes is typically too little for a context switch to something else, it might be time I would have just sat around thinking about how much it sucks to wait on stuff. So it has considerably improved not only my productivity, but also my mood.
  • Docker avoids some "it works on my machine" issues. With proper version pinning and fully reproducible builds, it really nearly eradicates the issue. Now the only time something like this can happen is when running on different Docker versions.
  • We all sometimes would like to fix tests by skipping them to "save time" when something needs to go to production quickly. Since testing is fully baked into the build process, changing flags on Jenkins/Tekton/whatever will not allow you to skip any testing or quality checks on the code. The only way would be to comment out the test code or update the Dockerfile, which would not pass a PR review. This gives me immense peace of mind.

Since the build process and testing is (nearly) fully defined in the Dockerfile which lies in the git repository, we nearly never need to change pipelines to add/change/remove anything, as all of this can be done in the repository of the corresponding image directly. This also has downsides, as it creates duplication. I would argue that this is beneficial though, as legacy applications might not be able to switch to newer tooling as fast as greenfield projects, which want to leverage that new tooling. Having this "configured" in each repository allows each to move at its own pace. Strict guidelines (such as we don't want to use tool X anymore) can still be enforced on pipeline level via container scanning tools (which you will need either way).

What's the major downside of this approach? Well I would argue there is one large one. Many people might not understand Docker well enough to figure out how the build process works, or might not have time to invest to learn how to do it correctly. This means that some people might not be able to make changes to the build processes by themselves and need might help. I think this would also be the case without a proper Docker setup, but maybe this problem is augmented by having a slightly more complex Docker build setup.

I hope this has given you some food for thought. Feel free to comment any questions or remarks below, or to reach out! Do you also take your Docker builds this far?

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Top comments (1)

stephen_henderson_fb66907 profile image
Stephen Henderson

Excellent! Just excellent!

I love the length and reasoning. I learned a lot. I’ll be up for hours revisiting my existing Docker files and builds.

Thank you!

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